Secret Guardian Angel

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Namjoon POV

After dinner at my parent's place Y/N and my mom started to hang out at least once a week.

I truly make me so happy to know that the two most important women in my life are getting closer and building a bond.

I still think about what my mother said at dinner, about her aunt.

Why keep it a secret? Why not tell her and show her that she has someone, a family member that cares about her?

It also makes me uneasy to know this and not have told her, guess I haven't found the right time to tell her about her estranged aunt.

This brings me to the fact that my father and I have a meeting with her today.

I want to confront her, I have so many questions that I need answers for.

And yet again I am at a loss of how to deal with this situation.

My mom trusts her and so does my dad, should I trust her as well?

Walking to the conference room with my father we both greet her.

"Ara! How are you? I feel like it has been a long time since I've last seen you" My dad chats.

"It sure has."  She agrees and moves to shake my hand. "Hello Namjoon-ah"

"Hello, Ms.Lee" I politely bow.

Both her and my father began to laugh "Oh my, I  have known you since you were in diapers, non of that Ms. Lee stuff. Just call me Ara."

"He is so polite" she giggles as my father guides her to her seat.

For the next hour, we discuss and make plans for the project at hand.

Finalizing everything, to the last detail.

My dad is the first one to leave as my mom seems to be waiting for him.

"I will take my leave first, Don't want to make the missus mad," He says as he dashes out.

"Oh My! Your mother is one very lucky lady to have such a doting husband" Ms.Lee giggles.

Leaving the conference room I walk her to the elevator.

Ms.Lee gives me a very curious look, taking my expression in. "You must know who I really am," she says.

"I do" I simply admit.

"You must have a lot of questions"

"I do, but I am not sure it's my place to ask them," I tell her, In truth, I don't think I should be the one asking questions but Y/N as this involves her.

At the same time, curiosity is killing me.

"I mean you are her husband, I am sure that alone allows you to ask" She smirks.

The one question that has been running through my head since I learned that she was Y/N's aunt spills out of my mouth "If you have been keeping an eye on her this whole time, Why have you never approached her?"

"That is a really good question" She smiles taking some time trying to figure out her answer.

"Even if I am her Aunt, I was never there for her. I was never part of her life. I don't think I have the right to barge into her life and ask for her acknowledgment" 

"But she does deserve to have family that is there and actually give a damn about her. She didn't have that growing up" 

Giving me a sad smile she is about to say something when the elevator door opens and walks out Y/N, looking as beautiful as ever.

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