Is she okay?

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Namjoon POV

It's the weekend and all last night and all day I have spent it with Y/N making sure that she is okay.

I keep thinking that she might break down and cry like when that puppy died but nothing.

She is just doing what she normally does on the weekend. Decorates the house, cleans, reads, does laundry and watches Netflix.

It's like yesterday never happened.

It is around 6 pm, I'm trying to think of what we should eat for dinner when I hear a knocking on our front door.

I am confused. Did we order something? Are we expecting anyone? Shit! Is her mother back?

I rush to the door and open it only to reveal that it's just Johnny.

Smiling he waves "Hi! I'm here to spend time with my best friend"

I move aside and let him in. Y/N didn't mention that Johnny would be coming over.

"Hi Johnny, I had no idea you were coming" I admit.

"No one did, I was texting with Y/N and she told me that the wicked witch was here yesterday so I figured we could hand out and talk shit about her mom"

"Umm... That sounds nice?" I say unsure.

"Hahaha...yeah I know she is okay and all but I still worry, she's my sis"

"Yeah! She seems pretty okay about everything."

"You are worried! Don't be when it comes to that woman she is not faced by anything she does anymore" Johnny admits.

I just nod glad to know that she will not have a mental breakdown or anything. 

But now that I think about it, she is a very strong woman.

"So, Take your things and go to your room or something BFFs only" He smiles.

Did he just kick me out of my own home?

"Umm..sure" I say and my my way to my room.

I go into my phone and notice that there are a few messages from the group chat and the guys have decided to have movie night at Jin's place.

I quickly type that I'm in and let Y/N and Johnny know where i will be in case they need anything.

They both tell me to have fun and I make my way to Jin's place.

After the small drive and a quick stop at the store to get snacks for everyone I make it to Jin hyungs.

Walking in they all greet me.

We sit around while the younger ones fight over what  movie we should watch.

"Joonie is Y/N okay?" Jin asks making everyone stop what they are doing and look at me.

I am shocked by the question. Does he know? Did they tell him?

I look at Yoongi and Kookie " You told them?" I ask accusingly.

"N-No hyung we didn't" Kookie denies.

"They didn't , We heard them talking about it" Hoseok admits.

"Is- is she okay?"Jimin asks.

The all look genuinely worried.

Sighing I answer their questions. "She is okay,  I expected her to be sad or cry but she is fine. Like  yesterday never happened. Johnny is with her now. He said that she isn't faced by what her mother does anymore. He kicked me out of the house hence why I'm here."

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