Typhoon pt.1

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Everyone's phone went off to give us a warning that the typhoon was heading our way.

Thank goodness Noony and I have been getting ready for this damn storm.

We began to shut down the facility and get everything arranged for all the animals at the shelter.

With all hands on deck, we finish getting things all set quickly.

I begin to send everyone home until I am the last one in the hospital, making sure everything is closed and locked.

Going to the back door to double-check I open it and there is a box taped shut. 

At this point, the storm had begun and it was raining hard. 

I step out to see if there is anyone out there when I also notice a whitetail by the dumpster.

I prop the door with the box and make my way to the dumpster. 

"Hey, buddy!" I say in a friendly voice. "Come here! let's get you out of here" I try to coax the big dog.

He looked a bit scared but little by little he made his way to me. He begins to lick my hand and curls up on me shivering.

I wrap my arm around him and hug him "It's okay buddy, I got you. You are safe."

I pick him up and bring him inside with me and lock the back door behind me.

Getting a towel I begin to try and dry him off a bit.

I go back to the back door and pick up the box.

 I hear whines and movement and I stop in my tracks.

What the fuck!

I run to one of the examining tables and get scissors and open the box that has been completely shut with tape.

It takes a bit of work but I finally get it open and In the box, there are a few kittens and puppies all different breeds.

 Some seem to be only weeks old. Who the hell would do something like that.

 The box was completely shut they could have suffocated to death.

There is also the fact that they are too young to survive without their mom. 

The first weeks are very crucial for any kitten or pup.

I begin to give them all quick checkups and make sure they are okay, that they are not suffering from anything serious.

The big dog seems to be around 3 years old or more.

 There are 2 kittens, One is white while the other one is orange.

They seem to be siblings and are maybe a week or two old.

 They will need to be bottle-fed.

I check on the brown puddle who also needs to be bottled fed as he is a few weeks old, I move to check to I'm guessing his sibling but she is stiff. 

I begin to check for a pulse but she is already dead.

My heart begins to hammer on my chest as tears swell in my eyes.

Asshole whoever did this!

I get moving and begin to check the little lab who seems to be a few weeks old, He seems to be a bit weak as he hasn't eaten anything.

The next 3 pups are all pitties all brown and white their eyes have not opened yet, one of them is very weak.

I start to pack everything I might need. To feed them and nurse them back to health from home.

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