Picking up my wife

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Namjoon POV

With a loud sigh, I put my phone down and begin to sign whatever my secretary is handing me.

I have been trying to call her and text her but she seems to be busy.

I wanted to invite her to lunch but, it seems like that won't be happening.

To be honest I wanted us to stay home and skip work, which has never happened to me.

Since I began working, I have never been late or even taken sick days. 

I am always working even from home.

But today I did not want to leave our home, I especially did not want to go to work.

I miss Y/N, I want to hug and cuddle her all day and her not answering her phone makes me miss her even more.

Gosh, I sound so needy, It's crazy how someone can change so much when meeting the right person.

I sign the last two papers and hand them to my secretary.

I wonder how Kevin and Haku are doing...

"Sir is everything okay?" She asks concerned.

Leaning back on my chair, I answer her "Nothing is wrong, I'm just not in the mood to work. I actually want to go home"

Hearing this she looks at me shocked, This is a first for her and a shock as well.

"You have changed Mr.Kim, Before you used to be all about work. It's good that you want to take time off work and enjoy life and time with your wife and friends. We are pretty much done for today sir" She tells me.

I sile a bit at her words, I was what you call a workaholic, I would be the first and the last in the office.

There would be times where I  would even forget to eat or properly take care of myself.

Since Y/N came into my life she always makes sure that I eat and take a break, besides my parents and friends she is the only one that has scold me for overworking.

With Y/N going out to eat, to book stores, and even to take our dog for work takes more priority than work, even more, when I have so much fun.

"I will be heading home then," I tell her taking my things and heading home.

The moment I walk in I am greeted by a very happy Keven while Haku lazily makes his way to me.

Giving them lots of attention and scratches I head to the couch and look around.

The house is so empty and quiet as I just sit both Haku and Kevin snuggling on either side of me.

Now that I am home, I'm not sure what to do next... perhaps change and get into something comfortable.

Walking to my room Kevin and Haku follow me to see what I'm up to.

Getting rid of my work clothes I change into something comfier.

I look at the left side of my walk-in closet that is empty.

This is supposed to be his and her closet, my side is filled with all of my stuff but the other side the one that is supposed to be Y/N's looks so empty.

I begin to picture all her stuff here and I just smile, should I ask her to move into my room? Or would that be too soon?

Getting Kevin's leash I decide to take him for a walk and get some fresh air.

Falling for my Wife. (Namjoon FF)✔Where stories live. Discover now