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Namjoon POV                                       ⚠ 🔞  Warning Smut ahead 🔞⚠

We have been in the cabin for a few hours and they have been amazing.

After grocery shopping, I helped Y/N put everything away before we both decided to hang outside and read a book enjoying the sound of the wilderness.

Birds, woodpeckers can be heard, it is so calming and soothing.

But as much as I try to concentrate on my reading I can't.

I keep looking from Y/N and the book I am supposed to be reading, thinking back on what happened by the trail, how I just lost control and took my wife against a tree like a savage.

The way she moaned enjoying how I took her.

I was in awe of not just Y/N but how explosive our sex life is.

How wild and unhinged she makes me feel, it's like I can't seem to get enough of her.

I stare at the same page for what feels like hours, thinking of all the ways I want to take my gorgeous wife, all the ways I can make her scream my name in pleasure.

Suddenly I remember my wife's drunken words, making me smirk.

Oh, I will definitely be doing that tonight.

Happy with my plans for later, I can finally get to the book and actually concentrate on what I am reading.

For the rest of the day we just relax until the sun begins to set, that is when Y/N closes her book, taking my hand she leads me inside the cabin "Help me make dinner" she says.

Even when we both know I am useless in the kitchen she still tries to teach me very easy basic cooking skills.

"You chop these while I work on the rest of the stuff She says passing me a small eggplant a pepper and an onion.

As instructed I chop everything, being extra careful not to cut a finger off.

In 20 minutes dinner was ready and served.

I get one of the wine bottles and open it, serving two cups.

Taking a seat we dig in, making small conversation, anticipating what will come next.

With a full belly, I offer to do the dishes, while Y/N offers to dry them.

We work in sync finishing everything fairly quickly.

Throughout the night I have caught my wife heated look, I love how much she wants me, how much she loves me.

I am truly blessed to have her as my wife, for the rest of my life and I am going to show her just that.

Moving I wrap my arms around her giving her a back hug, leaning into my embrace she looks up at me lovingly.

My chest warms just from her look, I see so much love in her eyes, trust, and lust.

"How about a shower" she offers, making my body buzz in excitement.

"You go first, I'll join you shortly," I say kissing her forehead.

I stand there watching her walk away, It takes everything in me not to run after her.

I make sure to lock the door and put the wood to burn in the fireplace, to keep us warm.

Turning off all the lights I begin to head upstairs, the closer I get the more I can hear the shower running.

Visions of a wet and lathered Y/N filled my mind making me painfully hard.

Falling for my Wife. (Namjoon FF)✔Where stories live. Discover now