Charity Ball

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Namjoon  POV

Walking around I mingle with many influential people.

I look around waiting for Y/N to arrive.

My mistake was to tell her last minute about this event, She agreed to come the only problem is that she would be a bit late.


I was helping Y/N  clean up after we had dinner.

I nervously try to tell her about it, I know it is so last minute but I really want her to come with me.

I need to get this over with, Taking a deep breath I speak.

"H-hey Y/n I umm.. wanted to ask you about something?" 

Damn... that came out wrong. Turning towards me she leans on the counter "Ask away"

"There will be a Charity Ball in about 3 days and I was wondering if you would be my date," I say.

She looks at me and smiles. "Sure I would like to go with you....wait! 3 days? Damn, I have to go to a ranch that day, I will be coming home a bit late. I can go, I want to...I will just come a bit late?" She says a bit unsure.

"Even if you arrive late, I would really like to attend this event with you as my date," I tell her honestly.

"Than I'll be there, Fashionably late,"  She says and gets back to putting the dishes away.

After talking to people I don't particularly like I decide to stand and keep an eye on the entrance.

I've had a few women come up to me and luckily I was able to avert them.

I look at my watch and back at the door, wondering when will she arrive.

I want to see her, I haven't seen her since this morning. I think I might have Y/N deficiency.

"Why are you pouting hyung?"Tae asks.

Tearing my eyes from the front door I look at my friends who are looking at me weirdly.

"I'm not pouting" I deny.

"You were, Not enjoying the event?" Jin hyung asks.

"Yeah! I've been talking to people I don't really like while trying to evade any fake boobed woman that tries to latch on to my arm" I say annoyed.

They guys laugh at me until Jungkook hits Hobi and points behind me. 

They all look and their mouths hang open.

Seeing their reaction I turn to look and I am welcomed by the vision of true beauty.

Looking breath-taking as ever Y/N is standing by the entrance looking around until her eyes finally find mine and I feel my heart skip a beat.

She smiles sweetly at me and her whole face lights up.

I notice that many men are looking at her and I don't like it.

About to make my way to her when I feel someone latch on to my arm.

I look and notice that It's Wendy.

 God this bitch is annoying.

"Namjoonie I was looking for you everywhere. Where have you been? I've missed you, you know" She bats her fake eyelashes and I am so fucking grossed out.

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