Oh the drama

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After a well rest and breakfast in bed courtesy of my adoring husband, I am ready to start the day and get things set for the BBQ.

With Joonie we get tables set outside with chairs for everyone, Lights, and the grill all set.

Admiring our hard work we both high five. "We killed it," I say.

"I don't think our yard has ever looked this awesome," He says proudly.

"Let's take a small break and snack a bit before we continue," I say.

Heading inside we snack on the couch and watch some Friends episodes before we get to do some cleaning in the house and guest bathroom.

Completely satisfied with our work, which wasn't much since we both keep our home pretty damn clean with pets and all.

"When do you think we should go grocery shopping?" I ask Joonie.

"Let's head out in 20 minutes, we pretty much have everything already," He says hugging me before he places a gentle kiss on my lips.

"I'm sorry for making you work so much on your day off," I say pouting, I bet all he wanted to do was rest, and here I am dragging him along on plans I made.

"Don't be, I am happy that you want all of us, my friends included to hang out. Plus it's been a while since we all got together" He admits showing off those marvelous dimples.

He pulls me to the couch making me sit on his lap, cuddling before we have to go to the store.

As we both lazily leave the comfort of our couch I say "Let me change real quick and get my purse"

Joonie nods waiting for me but the door, changing my shirt and putting on a cardigan before taking the bag with all of my things I head out.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs I notice that Joonie is not by the door and there a shit ton of voices in our kitchen.

Heading there I am welcomed with all of our friends, who are a few hours early.

"Umm.. you guys are early," I say to everyone.

Turning to me they all greet me with a hug, but I am confused as hell.

They all get back to what they were doing which is taking out food from grocery bags.

What the hell?!

"What part of 'bring yourself only', did you guys not understand?" I ask them all, Turning to Joon I ask " Didn't you text them to just show up?"

"I did babe, but they didn't listen," He says walking towards me, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Guys...-" I begin to protest when Jin stops me.

"You offered your home, kitchen, and grill. The least we can do is provide the food. So shut that pretty mouth of yours and help us get things ready to cook" Jin commands.

"The sooner we get this done the sooner we can eat" Jhonny adds.

I look at Joonie to see what he will say but he just shrugs, with that I give in too.

Luckily my kitchen is very spacious and we all have room to do our respective tasks.

We make side dishes, wash vegetable dice, mince, and cut everything.

Joonie tried to help but since he is prohibited from cooking I just made him sit and put things in plates and bowls.

Tae kept platting things and changing the plates, at one point he dirtied all the bowls and plates we had.

Falling for my Wife. (Namjoon FF)✔Where stories live. Discover now