Our trip

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Y/N POV                       🔞 ⚠Warning slight smut⚠🔞

It sucked to leave my babies but I knew they were going to be okay, I mean they didn't even pay me much attention when they were getting so much love and scratches from their grandparents.

The place Joonie is taking us to is far.

You can really bond with someone when you are stuck together in a car for hours.

After around 3 and a half-hour of driving Joonie takes a right turn taking us into this dirt road.

On either side of the road is all tress, and more trees.

He drives for about 25 minutes and takes a right turn to this open arena where the cutes cabin is located.

I gasp at the big triangular cabin in front of me, even from the outside it looks so cozy.

Joonie parks the car by the big rocks. "This place is amazing, how did you  find it"

My sweet husband smiles happily at my reaction, "I had some help but I am glad you like it. We still need to see the inside of the cabin."

Getting out of the car we take our bags and head to the front door on the side of the door there are logs all stacked neatly and I can't help but wonder how amazing it would be to snuggle by the fire reading a book.

Joonie puts in a code on a box by the entrance, in there are the keys to the place.

Walking in the cabin is just as perfect and beautiful on the inside as it is on the outside.

My hands make their way to my mouth as I am once again shocked by the cabin.

To my left, there is a couch in front of the fireplace and come bookshelves with an insane amount of books to read as well as puzzles and gameboards.

To my right is the perfect little kitchen with a fridge a bit shorter than me, a sink, and two burners to cook our food.

The place is so cute, exactly what you would think a cabin in the would look like.

"Let's take the bags to our room, "Joonie says taking most of them himself.

Going up a set of wooden stairs, the bedroom is just as perfect and rustic as the rest of the place.

The bed is made of thick wood logs, a cute red green and blue patch quilt covers the bed as well as a knitted throw blanket.

The bathroom is a good size, very rustic chic.

After I explore the room, things, and every crevice of our little cabin, I turn to my adoring husband watching me in amusement.

"Kim Namjoon!" I yell jumping into his arms and wrapping my legs around his waist.

His husky laugh fills the room and I just kiss the living daylight out of him.

How can he be so damn perfect, like how? 

With me still, in his arms he moves so that we are sitting on the bed, me straddling him. Hmm this position is very nice.

"So, I am guessing you like it?"  He grins looking up at me.

"Like? More like love! You seriously couldn't have picked a better place for our first trip together. Thank you Joonie, you really have gone above and beyond." I tell him sincerely before molding my lips into his.

He moans into my mouth leaning back on the bed, I lean back not wanting to break the kiss.

His hands glide under my shirt, softly caressing my sides. 

Falling for my Wife. (Namjoon FF)✔Where stories live. Discover now