Back to our scheduled BBQ

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Namjoon POV

"I need a fucking vacation after that shit," She says looking at all of us.

She really looks worn out after facing both of her parents.

"At least you didn't get arrested this time" Jhonny jokes trying to lighten the mood.

We are all shocked by his words "You have been arrested?" I ask my wife in disbelief.

"Seriously?" Kookie asks shook.

"I believe that," Yoongi Hyung says not one bit surprised.

"Haha... let's get back to our scheduled BBQ" Y/N nervously laughs before sending a glare to her brother and running her thumb over her throat signaling that she is going to kill him.

Jhonny nervously swallows and moves away from Y/N, in fear of his life.

Going to the grill Y/N begins to place the streak there and begins to cook.

We all just sit there, looking at her waiting for her to I don't know cry? Maybe start cursing them out?

She angrily throws the meat on the grill and flips it.

"What did the meat ever do to her?" Tae says sadly, as he looks at his meal gets assaulted by my angry wife.

She looks back at us giving us a reassuring smile "I am fine, really"

She is not concentrating on what she is doing because she doesn't realize that the beef is burning.

Jin, Jhonny, and I all jump up.

I pull her away from the grill while Jin and Jhonny try to save our meal.

"Sis, I really don't want to eat charcoal and kimchi for dinner" Jhonny taunts.

Turning around in my arms she hugs me burning her face in my chest. 

"I'm sorry" her muffled apology is barely heard.

Rubbing her back I tightly hug her " You have nothing to apologize babe"

"But I do~" She whines " You married me and because of that, you have to deal with all this bullshit. I am so sorry Joonie"

With a sigh, I kiss the top of her head " I love you and you love me and that is all that matter, they don't matter"

Looking up at me, her eyes look the saddest I have ever seen them and I feel my heart crack at the sight.

How can someone so beautiful, warm, and kind have such nasty people for parents?

"You are right Joonie, they don't matter, you are my family, everyone here is my family," She says.

"Damn straight we are!" Kookie chimes in making us all laugh.

"I am glad you guys are my family now," She says to all of our friends who clearly look at my wife with love.

"We are glad to call you our Noona" Jimins wide grin makes his eyes almost disappear.

"Since all the drama is over and the food is cooked, how about we eat?" Jin speaks up as he brings all the cooked beef to the table.

"YAS! I'm starving!" Tae Cheers, taking a seat. 

We all sit at the big table and begin eating, all the drama that happened moments before, completely forgotten. 

The table is loud and buzzing with all kinds of conversations as well as laughter.

Looking down I check on my wife who is laughing at Jin Hyungs terrible jokes.

Falling for my Wife. (Namjoon FF)✔Where stories live. Discover now