Making plans.

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 Finally, I get to work like I told Jhonny.

It's around 10:30 am and I have a few appointments that I need to take care of.

Heading to my office I am literally walking on cloud nine.

Yesterday was literally the best day ever!

And on top of that, I got a confession, he loves me back!

I swear I am so happy that nothing or no one can ruin my mood.

I take care of patient after patient and do an emergency cesarian on a momma who was having a really hard birthing her pups, sadly one of the little pups was already dead in her womb but the other 4 were very healthy.

After going from on-call room to on call-room I have yet to see Jhonny, which is strange for me.

Heading to his office I just walk in and in there is not only my lovely brother but also Jin Oppa.

"You decided to grace us with your presence and come to work" Nonny sasses.

Rolling my eyes I take the empty chair next to Jin Oppa and sit "Hey! I've been here, I have been seeing patients and even performed an emergency cesarian"

"So I've heard, I also heard that you seem really happy. So happy that it is scaring the staff" He says raising an eyebrow.

At that Jin laughs but coves it with a cough, while Johnny just full-on smiles at me.

What is up with these weirdos.

"First stop looking at me like that you weirdo, second who the hell gets scared of happiness... what is wrong with our staff?" I ask seriously confused.

They both hoot in laughter, making me even more confused, so I just sit there waiting for them to stop.

Whipping a fake tear Jhonny says " So do share with your big brother what has you so happy?"

His question makes me blush and smile, covering my face with both hands I share the news with my brother and best friend. "Joonie told me he loved me last night"

"About time!" Both Jhonny and Jin say at the same time.

I am taken aback by their reaction "Wait, What?" I say looking at them.

"Sweety it's been obvious to everyone around you how you guys felt for each other, except for the ones actually in love. I started to wonder if we had to scheme something to get you two to finally confess" Jin Oppa says waving a dismissive hand.

Nonny just chuckles in agreement.

"Was I really that obvious, I thought I kept it cool" I pout.

"As obvious as the googly eyes, you be giving each other " Nonny taunts.

"Ugh! whatever" I just shrug not wanting to hear what they have to say.

"Well since you guys officially confessed shouldn't this be a cause for celebration?" Jin Oppa asks smiling.

"What happened to the BBQ we were going to do but never happened?" Nonny asks.

"We can do it tomorrow? I'll talk to Joonie and send everyone a text with the time" I say excitedly, it's been a while since we all hung out together.

"A gathering sounds nice" Jin nods in agreement.

"Alrighty then, I should get back to work, yet you guys later," I say giving them a hug and heading out to my next patient.

Falling for my Wife. (Namjoon FF)✔Where stories live. Discover now