The In-Law's

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After a fun day off Joonie and I are back to work.

My day pretty much consists of doing a few orchiectomies which pretty much is cutting off dog testicles.

There is also the fact that I had to give the family of a  patient devastating news. 

I hate having to do that.

As the day begins to wind down I get my lunch and head to Jhonny's office.

"Let's eat!" I say as I barge into his office with our lunch in hand. 

He just stares at me for a while before he begins to eat his lunch.

I can feel his eyes on me so I decide to speak up because dude is getting weird.

"Can you stop staring into my soul, Just say whatever it is that you need to say"

"You seem different" He just states taking a bite of his food.

His comment leaves me completely perplexed.

"Different how? I didn't grow a second head or a third boob. Do you think I  gained weight?" I ask.

I can see that with his eyes he is calling me an idiot. 

"None of the above, I don't know. You seem happier? Did you get laid or something?"

I blink twice before shoving food into my mouth.

Jhonny nods in understanding "You did! It was about time one of us got something"

"If you so badly want to get some, why don't you just go out and get it?!" I state.

Jhonny blushes shrugging his shoulders. "There is someone I have my eyes on and well... I don't know if he might like me like that."

I loudly gasp. "Holy Guacamole! My Nonnie likes someone! Who? Do I know him?"

Scratching the back of his neck as he shyly smiles "You know him, and that's all I will say"

Pouting I say " I am dying to know who it is, you know you can tell me. But it's fine when you are ready I'm all ears"

"I know. Right now we are just talking and getting to know each other as friends" he tells me.

"Ouch! Already in the friend zone?"

 " I mean we are friends so I don't know maybe It can turn into something more. I mean it worked for you and Namjoon" He gives me a hopeful smile.

"I am rooting for you. And if you need any help wooing your boo, just call me" I wink at him.

Making us both laugh.

That is until my phone begins to ring. 

Looking at the caller ID I see that it is my Husband and I smile like a fool.

"Answer your husband already?" Nonny says amused.

"How?" I begin to ask but just answer the call.

Me: Hey Joonie!

Hubby: Hey baby! How's your day so far?

Me: Can't complain. Cut a bunch of balls today and you?

I hear him choke on his laughter.

Hubby: As always your work never ceases to amaze me, as well as the things that come out of your mouth.

Me: You love my mouth.

At my statement I see Jhonny make a face.  I pay him no mind.

Hubby: That I do.

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