Office Lunch date.

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The week has gone by fairly quickly.

After the whole fiasco with my mother, things went back to normal. 

Well almost all things, Things with Namjoon have been progressing nicely.

Without a doubt, I have fun spending time with him and we have been spending a lot of time together, so much so that I've begun to catch feelings for him.

I mean, It's hard not to.

 He is so sweet and caring and just so much fun to be with.

Our random talks in the middle of the night are my new favorite thing.

We talk till the late hours of the night when we don't have to go to work early and just talk about books, music, and childhood memories.

I have opened up a lot to him about how I grew up and he just simply listened.

 Sometimes he offered a hug and I gladly accepted them.

Our talks started with us sitting across from each other, To having our head or feet on one's lap, to cuddling.

One thing I really love doing besides cuddling is when I lay on the couch and rest my legs on Namjoon's lap as he runs the tip of his fingers up and down my leg.

Just that simple touch sends thousands of butterflies in my stomach, and it's so simple and gentle and I just love it.

Although we haven't been able to do any of that lately since he has been so busy.

It's so strange now that my workload had decreased as we hired new staff, giving me more time to spend with my Nonny and Namjoon.

But he is too busy, some nights coming home very late and extremely exhausted.

Since today I got out of work early after finalizing the date and time for the adoption weekend.

I also made a quick phone call to Namjoon's secretary and made plans to give Namjoon at least 25- 30 minutes to eat, as he has been skipping lunch.

Making my way to his building for the first time I am surprised by how big this whole thing is.

Wow, he has a lot of people working under him, that must be so stressful.

Walking to the front desk the receptionist looks me up and down before giving me a fake smile and asking "How can I help you?"

"Hello, I am here to see Kim Namjoon," I say.

Raising an eyebrow she utters "Do you have an appointment, Mr. Kim is a very busy man"

Smiling sweetly at the brat I say "I know he is a very bust man, and I don't think I need to make an appointment to see my husband"

She looks at me in shock and begins to fumble with the phone, I'm guessing to let Namjoons secretary know I'm on my way up, "I- I am so- so sorry Mrs. Kim, Go right up"

I bow and make my way upstairs.

As I walk down the hallways and past offices and cubicles I notice people looking at me.

Namjoon's secretary meets me halfway and bows "Hello Mrs.Kim," she says.

After talking on the phone with her I realized she is a really nice person "Hello Secretary Lee" I say sweetly.

I hand her a bag with food and she looks at me confused. "This is for you. I figured you would be just as busy as Joonie, so I got you Lunch as well.

Falling for my Wife. (Namjoon FF)✔Where stories live. Discover now