How could you?

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Photos of the CEO of Jam Enterprise, Kim Namjoon hand surface looking very cozy with a mystery woman at one of Seoul's top restaurants

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Photos of the CEO of Jam Enterprise, Kim Namjoon hand surface looking very cozy with a mystery woman at one of Seoul's top restaurants. They both looked to be very intimate. The young  CEO is said to have tied the knot 7 months ago. Does his wife know of the infidelity or has their marriage ended as fast as it started. 


SEESAW***: How disgusting.

Anonymous: All men are the same.

Cha***Lee :  Men are trash

Suran**** : That's why you don't fall for a dog. Because he has eyes for every bitch.

Changu** : Guys like him make the rest of us look bad.

Riri**** : I feel bad for his wife.

HOPEWORLD: I hate cheaters.

Yuri***Al**: A cheater is a cheater and they always pass up the best.

Anonymous: This goes to show that even rich men suck.

WinterB***: This is why I'm gay. Men are gross.

Epiohany***: Now he won't be able to show his face anywhere.

CaughtInaLIE: What a disgrace.

Euphoria****: I really liked that company, Not anymore.

Namjoon POV

It is amazing how my day could go to complete shit in a matter of seconds.

The date last night left me feeling great all last night and all through the morning.

Y/N and I made breakfast together, she did most of the work but still, it was fun.

We stole kisses and fed each other.

Since last night I feel like our relationship has evolved, we have gotten closer and I love that.

It is exactly what I wanted.

I want us to build a strong and beautiful relationship and we are well on our way.

But some asshole has to rain on my parade.

After getting out of a 2-hour meeting, I am given the news of this ridiculous scandal.

I slam my laptop shut, fuming at the news article and the comments.

Secretary Lee comes in with the staff of public relations and communications.

"I want this fixed NOW" I bark at my staff.

They all look taken aback. 

I am not a mean boss or an irrational person but this has me wanting to snap someone's neck.

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