⚘The Date⚘

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Here I am, sitting here watching the clock. I have been already dressed and ready for Candice ass to let me know when she ready. I been waiting for over thirty minutes. I just hope this one is the right one. I'll be thirty in a few weeks and I am ready to settle down. Candice is someone who I have been dating for a year and some months now and I have been doing the same routine. She was a pretty brownskin, slim to curvy shape. I was waiting for her to pull up to my house so we can get to this restaurant before our reservations be taken. "I hate being late! Damn, where the fuck is she?" I mumbled.

My phone goes off and that must be her. Letting me know that she was about to pull up. I grabbed my car keys and my phone. I opened my front door and her cab pulled up infront of the house. She gets out wearing a red, strapless dress and her hair was in a bun. I wondered what she had going on under that dress because it wasn't often when I didn't find out. I locked my doors as she met me at the car.

"Hey Baby." She said. "Hey. What had you running so damn late this time?" I asked annoyed.

She rolled her eyes at me and I clenched my fists on the steering wheel. "Look, my car wouldn't start so, I had to get a cab." She said.

"Well, why the hell didn't you text or call to tell me that. You know I hate being late, when we have a reservation! Damn! I would have had my driver come and pick you up Candice!" I yelled.

"Oh hush little baby, we going to make it there Damn! What's the fuck has gotten into you today?" She asked me.

"Nothing, I had a long day at work." I said as she took her seatbelt off. "I can make it better for you, baby." She said.

She came across the seat while I was driving and unzipped my pants. She took out my dick and placed her mouth on my head. I almost slammed on the breaks trying to focus while driving. "Sssss!" I moaned as her mouth bobbed up and down. "Mmm you taste good baby." She said as she licked and flicked her tongue on my head. "Oh shit.. just.. like.. that.." I moaned.

I wanted to hold my head back but I couldn't do it. I placed my hand on her head and guided her down my dick. Touching the back of her throat every time, my toes was curling in my penny loafers.

By the time we got to the restaurant, she swallowed every drop of my cum in her mouth. She took some tissue and wiped her mouth. "Now let's eat." She said and hopped out the car.

I pulled down the mirror on the driver's side and checked myself out. Trying to slow my breathing down and act normal. I got out the car and fixed my pants. I straightened my tie and walked around the car. She stood there tapping her foot, looking at me.

"You good baby?" She asked. I looked at her and smiled. "You know I'm good." I said as I took her in my arm and we walked inside the restaurant.

We walked up to the waiter and he smiled. "Hello sir. Welcome to Angelo's." He said. "Um, yes. Reservation for Jackson." I said. "Oh yes here we are, follow me please." He said as we walked up the stairs to the balcony area where other people were engaging in a candle lit dinner, under the night sky. "Is this okay?" He asked motioning our table. "Yes, these are so perfect." Candice said. I nodded my head at the waiter and he gave us the menus.

"Okay, Tim will be your waiter tonight. Take your time and view our menus." He said as he nodded and walked away. After a few minutes, Candice stops and looks to the sky. "This is so beautiful, don't you think Michael?" She said.

I put my menu down and looked up. "Yeah its beautiful, just like you." I said. She smiled widely and then said, "What's so special about tonight that you bring me here?" She asked.

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