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I couldn't believe that I was standing in front of him. The man who was on the shit list, he was dressed to perfection and he seriously had the face of an demon angel. I might regret saying things later. I wasn't thinking as much but when Carla told me that the hottest bachelors came to this club, I wasn't really expecting Mr. Hotass Jackson in here.

"So what are you doing in here?" He asked me with a devil smile.

"I'm actually here taking a breather from your ass. And you?" I asked.

"Oh... your very fiesty Taylor. Hmm... makes me think otherwise.. And besides I am a billionaire and part owner of this club." He said.

"Oooh shit!" I said smacking my forehead. "Carla done set my ass up." I mumbled.

"Who's Carla. I think I know her?" He asked. I finally looked in his face and he smiled real wide.

"She's my bestfriend. Why you slept with her or something?" I asked him.

"Why does that have to be a statistic for me. Is it because I'm so hard on you at work?" He asked.

"Specifically, no. And I'm not here to judge you or make you a statistic. Its just... never mind." I went to turn away only to feel a strong grip on my arm.

"Let me go sir!" I said and his grip got stronger only to pull me closer to his face.

"What did I say about that fucking word?" He said with his nose almost touching mine.

Forgetting where we are.. I simply licked the tip of his nose and he jerks back.

"You owe me for that.. and I mean it... wait till Monday there will be a very special surprise waiting for you Taylor!" He yelled.

"Just keep your face out of mine next time sir." I said as I walked away, leaving him as he takes a napkin, wiping his nose.

The flash of heat runs through my body as if he was trying to make a move to touch me. The walls of my pussy vibrated and I needed something stiff to kill the mood until later. Normally, I would never feel like that just from meeting someone and besides he the fucking bossman, I wonder what was in store.

I finally get to the bar and ordered a drink. Swallowing two shots back to back stimulated my soul and I just took in my thoughts. Not being able to actually talk to my drug addict of a mother, really bothered me and I felt like a hint of betrayal was going to be at play. I didn't want to disappoint my parents but at the same time, I haven't seen my mother since they took me from her so I hope she is doing alright.

"Damn Taylor, how do you keep doing that?" I managed to mumbled. "Doing what, talking to yourself?" My eyes shot up looking deep into the black orbs of the man who was the shit. I just to see what the next move would be.

"Why do you care? You are above water, not drowning in it." I said looking away.

"Oh believe me, I been through enough shit to drown Ms. Owens." He said as he sat down and order his usual. He nodded to the bartender throwing him a hundred dollar tip.

"Spare me, life living in hell was already enough as a child but if you care to share by all means." I said throwing my hands for another round.

"Well let's just say that my child life was non existent and I dealt with a lot of pain." He said as he gulped down his whiskey. His perfectly arched eyesbrown raised up as he puts his glass down, popping his lips.

"Your as well as mine.. so is this where the bitterness comes from?" I said.

"Being fucked over countless times.. how else could I describe it.. if bitterness is the word you want to say then that's what it is." He said.

"I'll say." I said as I rubbed my temples. Tears started to stream quickly from my eyes and i rubbed my hands over them. Clearing my throat, I swallowed another shot.

"Everyone has a breaking point, Taylor. Whatever you go through things that caused the most damage, you just learn the benefit from it." He said.

"Try a crack head for a mother who basically disowned you, didn't have enough food in the house so you could eat, clothes always being worn by other children in the neighborhood because they got sold. Or having to spent sleepless days and nights because your mother gave away free pussy to drug dealers? Sounds reasonable?" I said.

"Any abuse to add with that?" He adds.

"Everyday. Mental, physical and emotion. Up until my preteen years." I said.

"Okay.. minus the crackhead, the drug dealers but add abuse, sleepless days and nights. And then you got me, plus some." He said.

"Well Mr. Jackson, that means we both are living with two different tragedies with one simularity.. abuse." I said looking back at him.

"I presume so." He said.

Then I look over his shoulder to see the same man from the other night walk over here. Carla came from the other side of the bar.

"Hey baby.. remember me!" He said.

"Fuck off!! Why does it seem like your a got damn stalker to me. Shit!!" I said.

"Excuse me sir. But she don't want to be bothered." Michael said.

The guy pulls up his pants and gets in his face. Before he can say anything, Michael grabs his arm and spams his head on the counter.

"I don't like no got damn disrespect on or inside my property. Got that!! Now, get the fuck out of here! And don't fucking return at this establishment!!" He yelled pushing him towards the door. Along with the bodyguards, the man was pushed outside and the guards kept watch.

I wasn't surprised by this action. Michael looked like his balls were made of steel so my chances of equally up to him, it was very limited. I couldn't imagine life without love but life has many surprises.

After a few more drinks, I reached my limit and Carla was already gone. I had decided that I would get home. I was trying to steady myself just a little. Normally I was able to handle my alcohol but tonight.. I drank too much and I cannot believe how much I fucking rambled to my boss like that. I'm not sure whether to regret this or not.

I walked down the small hallway and the guard opened the door. I heard some footsteps behind me when I turned around and Michael was standing there. "Yeah?" I said.

"I'm just making sure that you make it to your car. I don't need anything happening to my assistant." He said as I turned around and kept on walking. I reached my car and I looked back to see Michael still standing there. He had on his silver shades and the black he wore tonight really suited him.

I waved and he nodded his head back to me. I wasn't this nice and why did I even drink like that.. oh my gosh! I am defined going to regret this shit in the morning. I was glad to be off but it was only a matter of time before he tells me anything about tonight.

I got in my car and looked in the back seat. I had a small cooler container and I had a bottle of water in it. I sucked it down and waited for about 20 minutes, then got ready to drive...

I started my car to head home.. and the rest became a blur..

What I didn't realize, was that I was going to have the shock of my life the next day...

End of Chapter..❤
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Miss Darraina ❤

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