Anything Romantic?

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I guess this is where I consider my feelings growing from being with Taylor. I woke up early but I never moved. She laid under me feeling like a soft pillow. Her goregeous body and how she moved grew on me. I couldn't wait to see what else her body could do.

I took my finger and lightly stroked her face, Her head moved a little and then her body jerked as she woke up. Her eyes opened a little and then opened wider. "Doll face, good morning." I said as she turned her head slightly looking into my eyes.

"Doll face? Really?" she said as she chuckled. "I mean, you liked it." I said taking my finger and poking her nose. I rolled on top of her and I laid on her chest, her soft hands rubbed against my back. "This is like some fitfty shades of gray shit." she said.

"50 shades of what?" I said as I looked at her. "Its a movie like a sexual dom movie." she said.

"Ohh.. well am I close from the guy?" I asked looking at her. "I feel like how the girl felt in the movie except for the collar around the neck." she said.

"Collar eh?" I said. And pushed her weight against me. I was know on my back and she tried to pin me by the arms on the bed.

"Don't you dare think about it. I can't believe I am saying this but Michael the dom you already are, I am not wearing a fucking collar." she said, I squinted my eyes.

"Sure about that one?" I said as I started to bounce my hips against her folds. "I am sure, I will take a first flight out of here before I do that."she said as she let's my hands go and tried to get off of me but then I pinned her.

"You would wear one of those for me won't you? I mean it wouldn't look bad, It would look good on you baby." I said teasing her.

She smacked me in my chest, "I am not wearing that shit." she said. I thought quickly and pulled her by her hair, smashing my mouth on the nape of her neck, sucking and biting on her skin.

"Mic- stop!" she moaned but I ingnored hered her. After I nobbled on her neck a few seconds later, a dark red mark wat pasted on her neck. She punched me in my chest this time, "You fucker!" she screamed as I laughed at the way she jumped up and went inside the bathroom.

I walked behind her as she looke at her neck, "Wifey you look beautiful and now I don't have to worry about any other man looking at you." I said.

"You owe me, Michael." she said. "Yeah but I own you now, buttercup." I said as I walked and gave her a quick peck, popped her ass and then I went to over to use the toilet.

One Hour Later....

We met up with my business partners and Taylor had to wear a scarf because the hickey I have her was at it's brightest red. The meeting was a success as the building expansion idea was a blast and Taylor brought her A game.

After the meeting, Taylor had left out while I shook hands with everyone else. Afterwards, I went to the lobby area and I found Taylor deep in thought. I never thought I would have feelings for her the way that I did but I did. Last night was unimaginable and I couldn't believe how submissive she was to my commands. However I did feel bad for her mother being on drugs.

I walked up to her being careful not to scare her. "Beach time?" I said as she looked at me and shrugged. "Sure, why not spend these last two days." She said openly. I think I have fallen in love with her.

We ride down to the hotel room. I had a trick up my sleeve. I had a little game I wanted to play whenever we got near the high waters of the ocean. The excitement killed me once we pulled up to the hotel. I grabbed her hand and I help her outside of the car. My smile kept coming every time I looked at her. "You know you are the most beautiful woman I have ever met right?" I asked as she stopped.

"W-what?" She asked. I looked at her deep in the eyes this time as I spoke. "Your the most beautiful woman I ever met. No one could get even as close to me, the way we have." I said in honesty.

"So you have done this with some one else or more women?" She asked. "Only one but she failed me." I said as I shrugged at the last sentence. "Why?" She asked.

"She didn't want children or anything to ruin her figure.. marriage was the last thing she wanted. I had to let her go... A must any other females that worked under me, tried me but I never engaged in any activity." I said.

"But what about the one you were span-" I stopped her as we gatheres inside the elevator and I pinned her to the wall after hitting our floor number. I kissed her hard on her lips.

"She was just a one night stand.. I told her to be gone after that. I didn't want her but my eyes is set on someone else." I said as I cupped her face in my bare hands.

"Who?" She asked.

I looked at her again smiling.. "You."



I couldn't believe my mind and my ears. For Michael to tell me that he has feelings for me. Oh yeah, this was a shocker. Through that hard Dom shell and that aggressiveness that he had, he was also a sweet soul. I couldn't tell him how I felt because I was lost for words. No man had ever really expressed in detail about their love life so to speak but I was always the quick one to share my feelings but it always back fired.. this time it's different and with a different man.

Now as I think about it, maybe no one took as much time with him to understand but maybe I could. However this was hard.. I wanted to express but I just smiled at him.

Once we got back inside I took my move. When Michael started to walk towards the the bedroom, I took off my clothes and became bare naked. I locked the door and put a "Do Not Disturb" design outside the door.

I did my catwalk toward the bedroom as Michael was stripping himself naked. "Baby?" I played the part. He stopped and his mouth grew wide open.

"I think I want to stay inside and I want you to fuck me." I said. I couldn't believe that I was saying this but his dick was very great and pleasurable. Deep down he looked hot to me today and it made me horny.

"What do you want daddy to do again?" He said with glowing eyes. I walked up to him and rubbed my fingers against his cock, stoking it. "I want you to fuck me daddy. " I said.

He picks me up and put me on the bed. Growling as he manuvered over my body. "This body is mine, all of it baby." He said.

I laid my head back arching my back against his touch.

To Be Continued... Smut next.. ♥️♥️♥️

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