Operation Jackson Pt. 1

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So, just as I suspected, Taylor couldn't handle her alcohol. When she got inside her car last night, I got in my car and had the driver follow her. And to my surprise, her car was swerving on and off the road. After about ten minutes of that, before she got down the street at least to her home, the car completely stops, then I get out to witness a sleeping Taylor, on the driver side.

"Somebody thought she could handle the hard core drinks at the club.. such a pity!" I mumbled. I opened her car door and carefully unbuckled her seat belt and carried her to the passenger side of the car. With her mumbling and moaning in her sleep, I locked her in the seat and had my driver take a small break.

"Meet me back here in the morning about 11, I want to make sure that she's good. 11 am sharp, got it?" I said to my driver.

"Yes sir. 11am Sharp! See you in the morning!" He said and drove off.

I was glad that I kept her address in sync with my brain. But it wasn't for the use of taking my drunk assistant home and I'm surprised that Mike Massive Junior... hehe.. didn't jump... yet. I got on the driver side and drove the rest of the way.

I pulled up in her driveway to see a cute dog in the window. I fished her keys out the ignition and got out. Taylor was still sleep. I got out and walked to the passenger side. Opening the door and her eyes came open just a little.

"Who you?" She said. I chuckled a little bit as I unbuckled her seat belt and carefully picked her up out the car. With my eyes going back and forth watching my steps and looking at her she smiled.

Then she touched my face and I almost dropped her. "You have a beautiful face hehe." She said. I paused and moved her hand from my face. "How about we get you inside and in bed." I said.

Once I was able to unlock the door. Her dog ran up to me and barked. "Hey little fella.. I'm just a friend." I said and he sits wagging his tail until I walked down the hallway the dog runs half way in front of me. "Now where is your room.." I mumbled.

I ended up carrying her with her legs over my shoulder because she kept fucking with my face again. I walked into what looked like the master and her name Taylor was written in gold on the wall over her bed. "I found it." I said. I walked over and laid her down gently and helped her into a t-shirt. After twenty minutes of her squirming and acting like she's swatting flies out my face but it was my hair, I finally got her in the bed.

I walked out and looked around for the kitchen. I looked through the cabinet and grabbed two tylenol before I hear some loud noises coming from her room. I grabbed a glass of water and the tylenol and almost ran towards her room. She was in her master bathroom, sitting by the toilet throwing up.

With tears in her eyes, she looked at me as I carefully walked up to her, I handed her a towel that was nearby and wet it. I took the towel and wiped her face, eyes, and her mouth. She seemed to be really depressed with a lot but I'm not going soft on her because a nigga is not soft.

"What are you doing here?" She asked. "If I haven't been here you would have been in a car accident or anything. You should know your limit Taylor." I said.

"I think I know you.. it's coming back to me now. Mr... um.. " she breathes. I reached on the counter and grabbed her a toothbrush and her tooth paste. I stood there balancing her as she brushed her teeth and once she finished, I walked her back to her bed. She lays on top of the blankets and closes her eyes.

"Taylor take these and you should feel better in the morning." I said.

"Okay.. leave them on the table, I'll get them." She said. "No, take them right now!" I said. She sits up a little bit and grabs the pills out my hand, placing them in her mouth and she swallowed them down.
"Never be rebellious against me.. especially in the state your in.. having a level head is everything.. understand." I said.

As I said this she looked at me, furrowing her eye brows, she turns on her back and said, "Whatever that means.. thank.." was the last she said before falling asleep.

I walked out her room. I walked down the hallway and found the living room. Grabbing a blanket out of the nearest closet, I changed out of my suit and pants. I kept on my white shirt and underwear to stretch out in. "I hope she doesn't mind, me crashing...

After that.. the sweet sounds of silence fulfilled the living room and I fell asleep instantly.


I woke up with a natural disaster of an headache and a hangover but the smell of breakfast cooking. "Who the fuck is in my house?" I mumbled.

Confused, I reached my hand under my bed grabbing my platinum silver bat. I opened my door and walked slowly down the hallway. When I reached the corner, I see someone with long jet black curly hair, down their backside.

"What the fuck are you doing in my house?" I said. I drew my bat like I was about to hit a homerun... that's until he laughs and speaks.

"If I put my hands up the bacon will burn." He said.

I lowered my bat just a little bit, "Mr. Jackson?!" I yelled. He turns his head a little bit and smiled.

"Yes Ms Owens.."

End of Short Chapter..
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Miss Darraina

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