Monday Madness

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I so dreaded coming into work today. Mr. Hotass was deemed the most encouraging person to not only be persistent in being on time.. he strictly meant business. I said to myself that I would go to hard today. I really didn't feel like getting in his fucking face today.

And if I remember correctly.. I think I licked that cute ass nose of his.. whoa.. wait.. I can't believe I am talking about how cute he is.. Oh my fucking Gosh.. I'm so nervous.. I don't wanna be the player no more.. I just want love in a natural way.

I walked into the building and there wasn't many people here. Good. I was able to glide into the lobby and to the elevator. I stopped by the employee lounge and grabbed Mr. Jackson's coffee and put that on his desk.

When I got into the office, using my key to get in. I placed it in there only to get shocked for what i seen. The whole office was rearranged. The door that led to my office disappeared and the was just one desk on one side and his on the other.

"I guess his weekend was fun." I mumbled.

"Who's "his" weekend, Taylor." Dammit it's just like fucking clock work that this nigga just pops up behind me.

"Yours.. nice set up. That's just enough space to gawk at someone front and center." I said.

Before I knew it, his voice became closer than I realize. "Can you move, please. I don't have time for games." That deep voice sent a shifter from my ear, down my spine as I moved out the way, placing his coffee on his desk and sat at my own desk.

He sits down and it almost looked as if he smiled about something. As I started my brand new computer, I couldn't help to admire my side of the room and I like the space but not with him.

"Taylor, when you check your email, make sure that all the details are correct, so the trip will be a success." He spoke sternly.

I checked my emails... and one popped up from him. Details of the trip and all that was needed the hotel and a private jet. I looked back at him as he writes on a few slips of paper, sliding them into a folder.

"Everything is correct Mr. Jackson." I said as I looked at him. He didn't look in my direction but continued on working.

"I need you to stay about an hour or two after work. There are some things that we have to discuss." He said. Confusing as it was already, what exactly did he need to discuss with me?

"For what exactly?" I asked not paying attention.

"Its not up for discussion right now.. take these files and copy them right now!" He almost yelled.

I rolled my eyes, "Tsk tsk.. down the hall right?" I asked.

He gets up and walks to me, places the folder down and goes back to his desk. I rolled my eyes again and grabbed the folder.

"Taylor, I will give you something that will roll your fucking eyes for you.. if you do it again!" He snapped.

I smacked my lips, "Please." I said as I got up and walked out the door to head to the printer room. As I get in there and started the copy machine, someone walked in.

"Excuse me? Are you Taylor?" The woman said as I turned around and looked up at her.

"Speaking.. can I help you with something?" I asked.

"Yeah.. actually you can.. stay the fuck away from Michael! He's mine and I don't like the fact that everytime I fuck him.. he's calling out a bitch name..-" she said.

"Hold up.. who's the bitch because I am confused. And I don't even know you.. also.. I don't even think Michael even knows that you are here.. now does he..?" I asked.

"Just stay the fuck away from him!!" She said as she walked out the door.

"He's calling my name.. I'm the bitch?" I was confused after the copies, I walked back down to Michael's room only to hear some arguing coming from his room. I walked inside the room and Michael looked so angry.

"Why did you even come here at my fucking place of business??" He yelled.

"Because I can do that!! I known you before any other bitch that has been working under you!" She yelled.

"First of all, I am not fucking with you.. get out of my office before I call security!!" He yelled.

"No.. we are talking..!!" She yelled.

I squeezed by and placed the folder his desk. "I will leave you two alone." I said and grabbed my purse.

"Taylor you don't have to go anywhere. This is over!" He said.

"Well.. another thing is.. she came into the copy room... I guess to try and tell me off.. but that's not my business." I said as I still walked out of the room.


"I don't fucking believe that.. it doesn't matter who works for me.  Your not worth any of my time or my dick!!" I yelled.

"Look nigga.. that bitch that has just left, thinks she can have you.. nobody can have you but me!" She said.

"You don't even have shit.  Your ran through with five kids.. your just that.. a fuck to me.. nothing more, nothing less.. now get the fuck out of my office!" I yelled.

"I will be calling later.. I want my fucking fix.. and that bitch name better not be said.  Or-" I stopped her

"Or- what?? What you going to do? Nothing!! So get the fuck out yourself or get thrown out of my office. Right now!" I said as she crossed her arms.

I picked up the phone and called security.

"Come to my office and get this woman out. Wha- she not my got damn wife! Get her out.. I don't even know why nobody called me first!" I said as I hung up the phone.

"Now.. security will be here to get your ass. And don't come back here or call me for awhile. Your pussy need to heal it's too loose right now.." I said.

"Fuck you, Michael and your new bitch too!" She said as she stumbles out of here, meeting up with security.

I got on the phone and called the front desk.

"Candice, get Taylor back in here. Now!" I said as I slammed the phone on the hook.

I rubbed my temples. "This is going to be a long day." I mumbled.

End of the Chapter..
Stay tuned for more.. Miss Darraina.

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