The "so-called" Discussion

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I walked back into Mr. Jackson's office. He was very distraught and red in the face. This is about maybe the second time he blushed.

"Candice said that you needed me?" I said walking in his office and closing the door. I walked past his desk to my own and crossed my legs and arms.

"Taylor, I want to apologize for that. It was very disrespectful." He said getting up and walking towards me.

"I'm not into bitches, who disrespectful me. I didn't even know the bitch and you have some explaining to do.." I said.

"What the hell does that mean?" He said with his hands behind his back.

"While you having your sexual advances.. you calling my name?" I said as I watched his reaction.

He blushed so badly that time. He covered his face and motioned as if he was picking his face off the floor. I got tickled.

"Um about that.. I um was having a stressful night and.. wow that's embarrassing." He said and then he walked back to his desk.

"I am just the messenger. And your sexual fantasies about me only intimidates me to a certain standing." I said.

"What standing?" He asked.

"I don't do mixing pleasure with business Mr. Jackson. It causes too much drama." I said as I quickly turn back on my computer to continue work.

"Hmm.." that was all he said as we continued the rest of the days work.

Later that day..

"Thanks for the opportunity to France I'll see you soon." Michael said after he got off the phone. The work was pretty good. For the moment I kept staring daggers at the man, like a fucking fool. I can't wait to get out of here as the clock finally his 5:30pm.. I am pooped.

"I guess I get going home." I said about to turn my computer off.
"Not so fast we have something to discuss." He said as he gets up and walks over to me, sitting on the edge of my desk. The heat retuned again.

"What?" I said as I sat there confused and pretty pissed.

"The other night at the club, you disrespected me." He said.

"Disrespectful where... Enlighten me because I don't remember. " I said.

"Well for one, you called me "sir" in which I highly explained that I didn't want to be called that and then you licked me against my nose." He said sternly, "It's payback time!" He said.

I quickly get up only for him to grab me, spin me around and place me faced down on my desk. "What the fuck.. Get off of me!" I said.

This nigga was good. I was pinned with no help what so ever. Then he lifts up my pencil skirt, revealing the black thong I was wearing.

"You thought you could get passed me with that shit didn't you?" He asked and a strike on my ass from his hands, made me scream.

" Oww!! What the fuc-?!" There was another one, as intense as it was, it felt good but I was confused.

"Owww.. hold up sir..!!" I fucked up then. He pulled me by my hair.

"It's Daddy to you ma'am!!" He said and he smacked my ass again.

"Wait!! What?!" I said as he still had me pinned.

After ten more smacks on my ass, he lets me go and I lose my balance and fall on the floor. He straightens up his suit and walks back to his desk.

Warm tears fell in my eyes, as if my own daddy whooped my ass. "Have a good night, Taylor." He said.

I got up and got myself together. I was pissed as hell. I gathered my things and didn't say shit else. I walked out of the office and took a deep breath. Holding my chest, I was instantly wet and knew that I have to change.

Two Hours Later..

Once I get home, I was in desperate need of a bath. My ass hurt and I was dying to have a drink alone. I get up stairs and warm me up at bath. When I looking in the mirror, I couldn't imagine how many other assistants went through that unless I was the first one.

I wished that it went more than just that.. damn I'm doing it again. I am just not trying to out myself in that situation again. I wanted a live more than ever but am I even asking the right way.

I took off my clothes and looked at my full body mirror. It was nothing but hand prints on my ass and both of my cheeks were red. "Nice going Taylor." I mumbled.

I played some old jays and got inside the tub. My ass was on fire for a good ten minutes and I hated the fact that now I have to suffer this all because I licked the nigga and called him "sir" ...

"Payback is a bitch!!" I said to myself splashing the water in anger..

End of Chapter..

Hope that was okay with you guys let me know in the comments.. vote please.. more on the way.. -Miss Darraina ❤️

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