Meet The Parents

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Carla came today to help me finishing packing the rest of my things. I still owned the house so it wasn't much but just some more valuables. Then later me and Michael were going to head to my foster parents house for a brunch. Michael was nervous but he calmed once they spoke to us on the phone together. My mother Jillian was excited for us. Hershey was definitely coming too, hehe Michael ended up loving the endless kisses she gave him.

"Girl, you look so good and I must say I am so proud of the woman you are becoming and with Mr. Jackass." I laughed with her knowing what his nickname was before we got close.

"You know, I forgot I even gave him that nickname. Carla will you be god mommy for me?" I asked and she hollered.

"Bitch you know I already am!!" She laughed. "How are you and Michael? Is the brunch still going on today?" She asked.

I smiled and I thought fairly quickly about how life was before this point. "We are amazing, he is amazing. I mean he went through so much shit and it's about time he's became a happier person in general. I just know that this will be good." I spoke.

"I know your happier too girl. He don't seem like the type to cheat, I mean I remember what happened at the hotel. I was so ready to fight that bitch for you." She said.

"Yeah, he was so pissed, even when that crap happened again in his office." I spoke. She paused and looked at me.

"Wait,  what happened at his office?" She asked. I shrugged. "Some bitch showed up to his office and made us miss our dinner date but I never got mad." I said calmly breathing.

"Wow, I'm glad you didn't. You got a daughter coming. Oh my gosh." She said laughing.

"Carla when I tell you that I have been through the most, I don't know how far I would have gotten even if I was still with my mom. You know." I asked.

She nodded knowing that I was implying about my real mom. After being taken by social services, I just felt for a moment that my life was over. It took awhile just to give in to my new parents. No longer than the silence took over, I felt tears cradle on the sides of my face.

"Wait? Taylor why are you crying." She asked and I wiped my face as she sat closer to me.

"I- I sometimes blame myself. And I'm not blaming it on my baby girl and these hormones. It's like I'm so afraid of fucking up this time. And I don't want anything to happen to me or Michael... and of course our baby. " I spoke. I wanted this so badly when I was younger. Seeing how Jillian and Kobe loved each other so much was a dream that I wanted.

The moment came to me like Michael because he was arrogant enough at first up until our trip. I really felt like I was feeling him and it's been for real. I love him so much.

"Taylor, I seen the love he has for you. And I hear wedding bells already because I have seen it. The more we talked, the more I had to pinch my own ass. You both deserve happiness boo." She said as she grabbed tissues and help me with my face.

"I love you Carla. You are the greatest friend ever." I spoke.  And she nodded, "You are too Taylor. You coming to my wedding too right?" She said.

"I saved the date. Me and Michael will be there. I just have to find a nice maternity dress." I said as we laughed.

"Michael, would you like some more orange juice." Jillian asked. We were all sitting at the grand table as I helped Jillian fix brunch for all of us. Michael and Kobe watched the football game and enjoyed themselves. It warmed their heart that their daughter was happy and building a family.

"No thank you, I think I'm about stuffed. This was beautiful." He spoke as we said cheers. I had a water, Michael's orange juice and my parents had some champagne.

"I am so happy that our daughter is grown up. Treating my daughter as a queen.. you deserved so much respect Michael. Your parents would have been proud of you. You are family to us now, I hope you know that." Kobe said as he reached for Jillian's hand and she smiled.

"Yes," he spoke swallowing. "Your daughter is really amazing and what better time than to do this." He paused before getting up. He moved the chair back and kneeled in front of me.

"Miss Taylor Owens. The love of my life, my world, my all. I love you more ways than you can imagine. My mind was so lost and you saved me just being present, the day we met. Baby, will you marry me and share love for all and forever?" I said.

Tears streamed down Taylor's face as she paused to cover her eyes. I kissed her and held on tightly to her hand. "Yes, Michael," she paused. "Yes I'll marry you." I placed the ring on her finger and I hugged her, telling her I loved her and hearing the happiness coming from her parents.

I leaned back only a little as we were eye to eye. A few tears cradle down as I looked my new fiancée in her eyes. "I love you." I said as I placed a kiss on her lips, sealing the deal.

"I love you too baby."

Later that day..

I rubbed my belly, walking around the new and improved nursery for baby girl. I thought about that day when me and Michael found out. His strength of emotion took over my hand as he was excited. He nearly passed out as he kept grinning from ear to ear almost screaming in the doctor office. It was funny.

"Babe you good! Where you at?" I rolled my eyes playfully. "I'm in the baby's room. Baby." I said as he walked in, "Oh, there you are. You okay right?" He said placing a kiss on my ear.

"Yes, I am just feeling happy as the days go by. We are set for the baby shower right?" I said as that time came near to meet Michael's siblings, they were all excited about baby girl coming into the world and meeting me.

They are very tight family, if only his parents was here. Gosh.

"Everything is set, Janet called almost every two hours because she couldn't believe it. You ready to meet them?" He asked and I hummed in approval. "Yes baby. But Michael, I know I asked but-" she shook his head.

"You know why I chose you, please. I love you and ever since I laid eyes on you waving at the camera, I knew you was the right one. You are there for me baby. And now it's my turn, you faults, your battles anything. Let's be together forever baby." He said.

I kissed him deeply. If this what happiness was meant to be.. we both deserve it.

End of the chapter... shall this continue? Moon walk to the comments. ❤️❤️

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