Annoyed.. His Enjoyed..

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Waking up this early.. the nigga better be paying me. Today was the trip with Action Dom Jackson.. and I already had a rough night.. the events well besides being sexually irritated and my batteries dying from using my vibrator, I was pretty angry. I knew that this was about to be the hardest shit.. and I have to get on a plane with this nigga.

I got up and I already had my bags packed and a bathing suit because when I have a moment, I will be on the beach and a bar on my own time and he can have any bitch he wanted.. just as long as he fuck them on the other side of the hall and not a hotel room next to me... oh wait.. I forgot, I am sharing a fucking room with this man..

In secret, I was jealous and the almost hate I was about to have for him, it faded.. I could never hate anyone but at the same time.. the guy's sexual tactics turned me on and yet.. I still have to play hardball, bad bitch and not give in so easily.. I didn't have it in me no way.. but anyways..

One Hour Later..

I just finished getting ready when Michael calls.

"Hello?" I said rolling my eyes putting on my shoes.

"Hi there! Good morning! My driver will be there in ten minutes to pick you up.. and yes, if you want to know.. I will be in the car as well.." he said while snickering in the background.

"Who said I wanted to know.. your the boss aren't you sir..?" I said rolling my eyes. I would rather sleep with the cows.

"Don't fucking play with me babygirl.. be out there in ten minutes." He said as the phone hung up.

"Baby girl?" I said confused.. I was humiliated right then and there. I placed my phone in my purse and then finished up packing. I placed food and water, enough for my baby to eat for while I was gone and ate a quick snack.

After five minutes.. I was locking my door and a limo pulls up. A guy comes out to greet me , I smiled only a little bit.

"Hello Taylor right?" He said. He was dressed to impress and he had on a bad ass suit. I nodded my head, "Yes. It is.. I'll keep my purse with me." I said as he opened the door, letting me in. He placed my bags in the trunk as I slid inside the limo. I looked around only to land into the man who thinks this is a fucking game.

Michael sits in front of me, his eyes looking devilish.. "Taylor." He greeted as he shifted a little in the seat he was in. A glass of bourbon was on the side and he was had this funny look on his face.

"Mr. Jackson." I said back and we remained quiet for a few minutes. I peered out the window and then I looked around. I had only been in a limo once in my life and it was beautiful.

"So Taylor we are heading out of town.. I hope you are ready for this..?" He said.

I took a small breath, "Yes I am ready. I got everything in my suitcase. Is there anything else?" I said looking at him. I was too annoyed for a whole lot of things and my reasons were beyond me. Call me cranky but when you don't have a satisfying orgasm, be prepared for the anger, frustrations, temper tantrums... the shit just gets out of hand.

He shot his eyes at me from looking at the papers he was holding. "Any disrespectful shit from you.. a punishment is in order." He said sternly.

"Whatever you say." I said and I laud my head back. Wanting this weekend to go by faster than I think. I didn't even want to be in the same room with him. Ugh.. the hottest jackass.. with a side kink.. the shit is just hard.


She was looking rather tasty and she already had a punishment on the way for calling me "Sir" she loved playing that game... and its only a matter of time before I make her mine.

"So are you scared of sleeping with me?" I asked as I stayed looking at my papers.

"No, because I am sleeping on whatever couch is in there.. trust me, I don't mind." She said. That thought only makes it worst for her because I have a game under my sleeve.. where she sleeps, I am sleeping too. I wanna make her so sexually frustrated with me that she can't handle it and she gives in to me.

It might be too early but I am falling for her in more ways than one. Time for the Dom to show up and show the fuck out.

Thirty Minutes later, we were heading toward my jet. I went to grabbed her hand and she popped it. I stopped in front of her, grabbing one of her breast gently tugging at her exposed nipple print as it clearly showed off the ring that she had on it. I twisted and tugged it a little bit. She gasped as I looked deep into her eyes.

"Don't ever do that again." I tugged at it again, "The paper didn't say I was to-to hold your hand. Now, get off my titty!" She smacked my hand again and I reached for both of them, in a quick move pulling her close to me as I took my free hand caressing her neck.

"Pop me again, Taylor and that's fucking strike two. We have three hours on my jet. So if you don't want the attendees hearing those satisfying sounds of delicate pain and pleasure moans, I bet you won't do that shit again." I said.

"Y-you love games don't you." She said breathing heavily. I licked my lips, I wondered what her pierced breast feel like, once I twirl my tongue across them. Leaning my head down, I whispered lowly in her ear, "I enjoy them, not as much as I will enjoy you screaming my name soon." I said as I removed my large hand from the right breast, guiding my fingers across those juicy lips. I let her go as she became hot red in the face, walking right along with me.

I am loving this game. She's going to cave, I can feel it.


So we get on the jet, I don't know how long my face stayed red, this was humiliating and torturous. The worst part, my nipples started to throb and he thinks this is a fucking game. he just had to get started early. I already wasn't feeling myself today.

I sat down in one of the seats, placing my bag on the floor and I rubbed my hands across my breast. They were still sore and they still needed to heal. "This is so great!" I thought to myself and he grabbed them in the right places, like he was a fucking pro.

"You know, daddy can take the soreness away from you." Mr. Jackson said as he sat down next to me. How fucking embarrassing. "No thanks they are alright. " I said putting my hand back down.. embarrassed.

"Are you sure? There's a bedroom in the back." He said laughing. I looked at him and he winked. I rolled my eyes, "No.. Thanks!" I said to him.

He shrugged his shoulders, "If you insist, I can't wait to see how red the other parts of your body gets instead of your face." He said laughing. I looked out the window, that's until we made it into the air.

To be continued..❤❤

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