The Punishment

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As I finished copying the files for Mr. Jackson, I walked out of the copy room to the sounds of whipping and a woman moaning. I crept up by his door, only to open the door and notice that the woman was leaning over a chair, her dress was up and her underwear was pulled down. Michael was standing at the midway a foot away, flicking his wrist and the whip was literally making red marks on the woman's ass.

I cleared my throat as the whipping stops, Michael holds the whip, looking at me with those hypnotic deep and dark eyes. "Um, I can come back. " I said as I walked back out and headed down the hallway, listening to the whippings echo in the hallway.

I walked back into the copy room, closing the door and I just sat there for awhile.. maybe about an hour or two. I was in another zone just imagining that it was me in that woman place but I shook my head rapidly.

"What are you thinking Taylor? Get yourself together.." I said to myself. That's until the lights go out and I waved my hand as they never came on. "Wow.. just wave and the lights-" I paused because the lights had come back on but it wasn't me.

Michael stands there, sweat dripping down his face, curls sticking to his forehead and he looked like he just came back from the gym. His breathing quite heavy the glare in his eyes and the dead silence that followed.. intrigued me.

"Is that like some type of extracurricular activity shit or something?" I asked him. He licked his lips, "She disrespected my work place so she got punished." He said as he closed the copy room .

"How did you like the show?" He asked with his arms crossed. "I didn't but if I did, I would have said something." I said tapping on the folders.

"Well, anytime you want to join-" he started. He walked almost six feet, "You could." My breath hitched in my throat. I couldn't speak the guy had my wheels turning so fast because something like that, I have never seen before.

"I'll have to pass.. did you want me to finish working or what?" I asked getting up. The glare in his eyes did not leave, he kept standing there and then he finally smiled.

Clearing his throat, "Of course Taylor." he said. He turned on his right heel and walked out. I took another breath and walked out the room. I walked into his room and he sits there rubbing his hands together and smiling hard.

"You know Taylor, you been disrespectful too. I must say. " He sat back, " You should be punished just like her." He said.

"I'm different from all those other hoes, I can take disrespect and give it back. You are no different from any other nigga I have dealt with." I said not paying him any attention. I here him stand up and walked real slow to me. He comes around the desk and stands behind the chair. One hand gently but firmly grabs the back of my neck. I paused and looked up. Then what felt like a snake landed on my legs.

"If you ever fucking tempt me again, this will land on your ass and your pussy." He whispered in my ear. The whip glides across my brown skin and I shuttered. "Got it?" He asked.

"Nope but thanks for the offer sir." I hear him swallow real hard. "Stand up." He said sternly. I stand up, with his hand still on my neck, he pushed my rolling chair back and stands behind me. He guides my head down on my desk.

My heart was racing and my vagina walls were pulsating. He used his free hand and slides my skirt up, revealing my red silk underwear. He pulls them down, they land by my ankles. He pressed himself against my ass, as my mouth falls agape. His dick was at it's fullest against me, leaning down by my ear, he whispered to me.

"Your going to have to learn who I am. You gain your punishment." He said. He lets his hand go from my neck. Gliding it from my neck, down my back, following the outline of my spine, his big hand touches both of my butt cheeks as he popped me on both. I flinched and squinted, then five times after that.

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