Act The Part 🎭

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After all this time, Michael's arrogant ass has been non stop testing me. While I'm trying to find the file, he kept walking back and forth inside the office. Blankly staring, he kept trying to rush me.
That's when I offered to play a game.. not just any game but if he wants to get getting up every two minutes just to see if I find the file, if he's gawking then I'm fucking gawking too.

When I found the same file Michael wanted, Before I could call him, the office door opened, and Michael walks up to me and snatched it from me walking away.

"It took you long enough." He said looking at his watch. I looked at my own watch, he still had 10 minutes before the meeting. So, I just rolled my eyes and kept working. This wasn't as bad as I thought.

"Oh and by the way, I am going to show you the ropes, so you have to come with me." He said before walking away.

"Hold it..wa--" he leaves slamming the door closed. "Slamming doors don't get shit paid. And I am not the aggressor here." I said as I continued.

"Come again.. Ms Owens..??" He yelled behind the door.

I stayed quiet to see what he would do next. I watched as his shadow from under the door moved to the left. I swallowed real hard and something happened to me. I felt really warm on the inside of my body. The heated sensation flooded through my body.

Vibrating impulses flowed through my kitty. It was throbbing but I didn't cave.. I'll cave later on when I'm alone in my bedroom. I'm not fucking caving, especially to some dick head for a boss.

I walked out of the room and Michael was fixing his tie. I cleared my throat and he turned to look at me. "Don't fuck this up. And please just act like you been here.. we need this deal today.." He said.

"We?" I said as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I don't have time for anything stupid..I-" I stopped him. "Mr. Jackson, I got it... damn." I said.

He turns back around, I walked behind him, to pretended to wipe off his coat and his shoulder snapped back as if he wanted me to get off of him.

"So, you are to stay clean beside me.. no touching. If the president of the company asks any questions make sure you answer.. not with your attitude. One more thing, I need a few things scheduled after the meeting understand?" He said as he turned around and looked at me with them same dark ass orbs. Walking forward, I stepped back a little bit, his eyes never left mine.

"Okay.. okay... enough with the death glares.. I understand Jackson." I said holding my hands up.  Shit, I was starting to sweat standing in front of this man.

"Let's go Ms. Owens!" He said as he slowly walked around me.

"Listen, its Taylor! Geez, you must can't hear good.." I said. He walked towards his office door and opened it. He stands there and looks at me.

"Let's go Ms. Owen's."  He said as he motioned for the door. I walked doing my cat walk outside the door as I wait for him to come out and lock it.

He hands me a business proposal for the guy to sign. "Read over this.. and confirm that you understand what it says." He said sternly.

I carefully read as he walks in front of me walking fast. I clearly understood but then something catches my eye.

"Business profits.  Arise by 125%. Accumulated Profits.. 1.2 Million." I said as we got into the elevator.

"Mr. Jackson, If I am correct. This proposal is to be read by me to the client and he agrees right?" I asked.

He only closes his eyes, takes a deep breath and nods. I stand in front of him. Glancing over his facial features.. he knew how to hide the nervousness but he couldn't fool me.

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