An Exes Nightlight..

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It was after the meeting but during the meeting with my incredible bosses I couldn't stop thinking about me and Taylor's sexual encounter last night and I must say she is amazing. Call me anything you want but I want her.. I fucking want her.

We were in the car and it was quiet. "Thank you for doing this vacation\ meeting for me, even though you didn't trust me." I said as she chuckled.

"I guess I didn't have another option. You kinda looked uneasy today were you nervous?" she asked being a tease now. She took her hair down and it made me hot to watch. "Like I said, I don't get nervous."I said and she looked at me. "Uh-huh. I hear you sweetheart." she said and smiled by looking out of the window.

" What's so funny?" I asked. I couldn't help but to smile back at her. She was the sweetest that I met and I was falling for her faster than I knew it. 

We drove back to the hotel and there we went upstairs. Deciding to head out to the beach before we head out to our flight tomorrow.

I opened the door for her and she walked in. Taking a deep breath, I closed the door and watched as she took off her coat, folding it and placing it on the nearby chair. "So? Um.. you want to head out and put our feet in the sands maybe?" I asked. Generally, I was kinda nervous about what she would say. I never been this nervous.

"Sure I mean this is our last night here right?" She asked as I followed her into the room. She bent over grabbing her suitcase and turned to look at me.. I gawked at the perfect view right in front of me... Her ass of course...

"Y-yes it is our last night.. um, might as well enjoy it right?" I said as I held Mike down from arriving in my pants. I couldn't help it. I moved because I wanted to bring all my energy down on her later on. I moved and went to the closet grabbing my bag and grabbing my black water trunks.

"Okay beach time it is.. but I will be bringing an umbrella. You know because of my skin." I said and she hesitated.

"Oh, I understand sweetie. It wasn't hard to figure out. It's okay." She said and it confused me because speaking of other women, I became stone cold due to my complexion changing but for Taylor no sooner than I took off my clothes forgetting, she still proceeded to cater to my body.

I smiled widely. I couldn't believe I did that in front of her but she felt like the potion to my secretly broken heart.

Later on..

We walked along the beach, I walked with Michael under the umbrella. The sun was on its way to set along the coast. We had our shades on and the seagulls flew along the water. Finding the perfect spot under a tress we settled to relax.

"So what made you move out of Indiana. Don't you miss your family sometimes?" I asked.

He looked at me and locked his lips. "Well everyone besides my dad. Remember at the club that night when I told you me and my siblings were being abused.?" He asked and I nodded.

"Well, Joseph was the abuser." He said. I furrowed my eyebrows, "Joseph?" I asked.

"That was father's name. We never called him dad besides my little sister. And I do miss everyone else except him,  he wanted us to do other things but I wanted to do otherwise. He didn't like it but my mother loved the idea for me to do what my heart desires. I miss her though, that was the last conversation we had before I left. Before her and my father passed." He said.

"Wait.. they died??" I asked and I touch his shoulder. "I'm so sorry Michael. I didn't know." I said and he leaned forward from my touch. "I know you didn't know but I don't look for sympathy. This is the reason why I don't really share much. My family has been separated for years after. I blamed myself and the harsh reality I kept saying was that I was going to be who I am and be this boss. And I dared to ever.. ever fall into the same footsteps my father did." He said.

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