Moment of Truth Part 2 🥀

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"Yes daughter it's your mother, we need to talk. But I need to see you."
I looked at Michael, he motioned his hand for me to keep talking and he relaxed a little.
"Why is the phone saying you in prison, what did you do?" I asked.

"Baby, I will be honest I been giving my body up for drugs for so long. I just need this to get me back right and I want my daughter back. " "You have two minutes remaining."

"Just come see me before my hearing, it's in a few days. I love you baby girl." She said and I said, "Okay." Then the phone hangs up.

It was quiet. Memories flooded the fragments of my brain of everything I went through including the molestation. Did I want to really see her..not really. But knowing Michael, he may just urge me to go.

"I don't want you to ask me if I am going to see her." I spoke and he sat up. And his face harden.  I rubbed my hands over my face. I didn't want to go and if I did, I wanted her to apologize.

"I'm not going to ask you anything but imma tell you some thing. This hurt, the pain, you need to let that go and it will go away if you go and see your mother. I believe you should, before our child is born. " he said looking at me. Before I got the chance to reject he got up and turned to me.

"Taylor, if I could have the chance to talk to my parents including my father I would have. I would be asking questions, being around more. You still have your parents including your real birth mom. I think you just need to hear her out for real and listen to what she has to say. I know it hurts to relive the past but I don't want to see the hurt I went through from losing not just one but both of my parents at the same time. Don't question me." He pointed, rubbing his hair and then he sat back down.

"But Mi-" I tried to protest anyway but he reached for my face, kissed me and then walked away. I sat in my thoughts for awhile, I couldn't believe the moment came but in this circumstance. She fucked up and it landed her in prison. Michael comes back down the stairs and I quickly wiped my eyes. Tears of overwhelmed thinking and unwanted joy ran across my mind. I didn't want to see my mother in prison. It wasn't even like her to do things like that before I was even thought of.

"What you want to eat babe? And stop overthinking. Please don't." He said as he came over and looked at me straight in my eyes. The man knew me. He wasn't frustrated but I often thought was he bashing himself because of the last conversation he had with his parents. He went through so much and being ignorant wasn't his forte. One thing I learned from Michael is, he's very straight forward just like I am and a battle with him wasn't worth it. He said what he meant and he was right. Me trying to be stubborn wasn't going to work against him.

"Uh, it's don't matter really. Whatever you want baby, just as long as I have pickles." I said giving him a warm smile.

"Eh, KFC it is... finally." He said as he laughed a little. I chuckled because the nights consisted of both of us cooking and one day he played a joke crying about KFC. I laughed because he specifically said, "Baby, whatever craving you have I will enjoy it." So with the most random creations, tonight I let the choice be his. I was craving ice cream with chocolate and sprinkles. I wanted him to be happy and see him smile.


After I ordered the food. I sat at the table. I wasn't really trying to be harsh on my baby. But the reality was that I wanted her to be the most happiest and she could move forward and live a better life with me. I thought for a moment and took a much needed breath. I need her and she needed me and our baby.

I almost felt like,  I was being her parent and I didn't mean any of it. I meant business though, it was only fair that she hear everything out that her mom has to say even if she didn't want to. Having unanswered questions isn't something that she needed to regret.

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