Strike Three 🥂

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⚠️* WARNING... SMUT SCENE You have been Warned*⚠️


I finally get my sore ass breast to stop throbbing. Mr. Jackson just wouldn't let up. Every five minutes he was touching me, popping my ass or blowing kisses. I was already not feeling good yet again... This was torture and he was enjoying every last bit of it.. The sexual tension was at its highest point..

Once we were able to move around, he had a massive snack attack, I never seen anything like it. Cereal, chips, cookies preferably chocolate chip and we were having KFC on the plane for dinner later. He sits at one part of the plane while I sat nearby looking out the window, drinking some champagne. I felt my body lossen up a little bit but I kept my guards on high. I didn't want to drown myself and then I be made a fool on this plane.. well I am trying not to but he knew my trigger points.

"Hey.. come here real quick baby girl." He said. I rolled my eyes and for some reason that was so hot to me.. what the fuck is wrong with me!

I get up and walk towards him, standing there with my hands on my hips. He looked at me and smile.. a devilish smile.

"What is it?" I asked. He touches his chest, "Oh the pain.. girl lighten up . I was just going to ask you did you have a copy of the deal.. I mean you are the wife.. right?" He said giggling.

"No.. I am not and yes I have it, jackass." I said as I turned around.

"Oh wait come again.. do we have a strike three?? Because I am ready baby.. anytime, any place." He said as I turned to look at him his whole face changed. Them brown orbs were so dark.. I gulped like an idiot and still walked away. I walked to my bag to grabs the folder and bumped backwards into him.

His hand curved around my waist and down squeezing my ass, then he popped my cheeks. To be honest it was a turn on and it hurt like hell through my skirt. "You did not fucking answer me.. you answer when I talk to you." He said.

"No strike three.. no punishment. Here." I mashed the folder in his chest, making him step back two steps. I placed his hand from my ass on top of it and walked away. He laughed so hard, I hated to turn around. I inched back to my seat and the attendant poured me another glass of wine. I gulped that down and layed my head back. Taking a breath and it was soon over when a darkness filled my space.

I opened my eyes and Mr. Jackson stood in front of me. Breathing really heavy, his devil eyes sparked. Dead silence took over the small area and he leaned in my face. "Your tempting me babygirl. Don't fight whatever comes next. I don't fucking play now spread your legs open for me." He said.

"What?" I whispered. He touches my legs, caressing both of them. "Open your legs, now." He said pointing at my crossed legs.

"Are you crazy?!" I yelled in a low whisper. He only smiled and shook his head slow. "No, I can be though.. now... Spread. Them. Legs." He spoke.

I managed to get them open slightly. But that wasn't enough. He took one leg and placed it over the arm of the chair exposing my swollen, wet vagina. Thanks to the silk panties I was wearing it exposed everything.

"Mmm... I see you already wet for me babygirl. Something you can't hide from me.. you should have said something." He said as he smiled.

"That wasn't your fucking concern sir." I said and his eye twitches. Oh shit! I said in my head. He takes his hand and slides off the strapless shirt that I had on, down halfway. Massaging my breast through my bra, I almost moaned but I looked down at his large hand cupping and squeezing on to it. " Just fucking great!"

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