Meeting Jackson

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I got up this morning already in a bitchy mood. My period just had to come on but hell I guess it will put more fire in me to put Mr. Jackson in place if he gets out of line. I have to keep this strictly professional since I'll be working under him.. like literally.

Last night, Carla had the privilege of throwing up on my floor last night just like the fuck I mentioned. She didn't eat much of shit, then before she gets ready to head upstairs she got dizzy and vomited. Then while she laid in the bed room along with the trash can next to her, I spent the last hour, gaging. Trying to clean up that shit took a lot out of me and since I was a clean freak.. my house stayed clean and fresh. Candles were sometimes lit and them glade plugins be life.

After my shower, I put on a black pants suit along with my red bottom stilettos. I went downstairs and got some coffee ready. To my surprise, Carla was already downstairs and looking on my laptop. 

"Okay sooo... you are being nosey, looking through my laptop." I said playfully annoyed as I walked to pour me some well needed coffee.

"Yess bitch.. and you didn't tell me.. that your ass had a damn interview.." she said laid back on the couch.

I cut my eyes at her, "Its because I got the email on my phone too so damn that.. just be happy for me bitch!!" I said laughing.

"Girl a bitch is happy for you and... this is the time for you to get the shaving because Mr. Jackson is not the type for little girls.." she said.

"Well first of all I took care of all that and besides.. I'm not too worried about the little girl part because I'm not fucking looking. Turn downs are going to be real in that place." I said.

"Well I guess I'll let you get to it then! Can you drop me off on the way shit.." she asked as I drunk down the rest of my coffee.

I will need some new friends like literally..

One Hour Later...


Candice had came in pretty early to make sure that I was prepared for the interview with Taylor. She was very persistent and she made sure that the coffee was already hot on my desk when I got in.

This wasn't easy because I use my mean mug tactics and sometimes them hoes will fail everytime.. or get in there feelings and leave. But this Taylor really strikes me so, I am well ready, a little nervous in my stomach but I can handle that.

I often thought of my potential assistant, soon to be wife coming in here during my lunch break. She walks around swaying here hips back and forth. Licking and biting those gorgeous lips and her heels clicking all around my desk and straddling me. Her hands traveling up and down my chest, licking and sucking on my neck.

I shook my head this time, getting out of my thoughts. I knew in due time, she will show up and love the boss that I was. It hit 11 o clock and it was almost time for the interview. I called Candice and she picked up so quick like her life depended on it.

"Hello Sir!" She said as I pressed the button to allow the Van Gogh picture to move back.

"When Ms. Owens steps into the office do the same thing you did the other day but less talking.. Do I make myself clear? I just want.." she stops me.

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