Talking Up (Short)

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I awake next to Michael. I laid here thinking about the shit that happened last night. Gladly, I accepted Michael's apology but I felt like he shouldn't have. The apology should have came from that bitch who was in here last night.

When me and Michael returned to a refreshed room and my clothes were back where they was. He nearly had to beg me not to leave him. I was even laying here with his arm wrapped around my waist because he was afraid that I would leave him. His head was above mine and his warm breath was passing through my scalp as he slept. I looked at the clock and it wasn't even ten in the morning.

Our flight was tonight yet we had the whole day to I guess recover. And to be honest I felt safe around him. I believed that he would become much colder if I left him..against me and anyone else. Plus he was very much alone and he is definitely sensitive. I didn't want to leave him alone but the hard part was if he really knew or not that bitch was here.

His arm jerked a little then his arm tightened around me. "You okay baby?" He asked. I turned a little as his arm loosened up. "I'm okay. I just have a question?" I asked.

He looked like he slept like a handsome ass King would. He wiped over his eyes and looked at me. Wrapping his arm around me again, resting his hand along my back side. "I promise that I didn't know she was here. And even though she was in my past, I know that I'm firing someone who told her where I was.. she wasn't wifey material.. I wouldn't have been here if it wasn't for you." He said.

I opened my mouth and then I closed it as I stare in his eyes. He squeezed them shit and then opened them back up. "Why me though?" I asked in all honesty. "Because you are a better assistant than any other that I have had. A woman who is just the right one for me. And even though it's only been a few a months since you started working for me, I have fell for you.." he paused to lick his lips. "I fell in love with you like I said last night." He said as he looked at me.

"Oh." I shrugged. "I don't know what to say but the same." He leaned over and kissed me on my forehead. "You don't have anything to worry about." He said, "Now, let's get started with some breakfast at my favorite place." He said as he flung the covers off of himself revealing his hot  naked body. He got up and stretched really good that his bones popped.

I leaned my head to the side as he scurried to the bathroom, leaving the door open. I got up and walked towards the bathroom and stood there. I couldn't believe I was considering myself going with him. His body and mind was beautiful. And I couldn't see myself with out him.

He jumped and looked at me. "You scared me that time.  Don't do it again. " He said laughing. "My bad.. I just wanted to see how I got a man like you." I said and he looked back down finishing up his business. He flushed the toilet and then washed his hands. Then he walked up to me, planting a kiss on my lips. "Shower with me." He said.

"Okay. Just a regular shower like I wash your back and you wash mine right?" And he looked me over, up and down shaking his head. "Nahh.. I need you in other ways too. Hehe" he said as his eyes twinkled. And I knew what that meant. How can you not sleep with this man, he was everything and more.

Three hours later..

We were in the car and Michael was taking me to the restaurant. It was unclear exactly where but he said that it was a surprise. We went to a restaurant that was around the beach. It was sunny and cool at the same time and it was beautiful. 

He held onto my hand as we drove by the waters and into the parking lot. "We are here!" He said as he looked at me smiling those pearly straight teeth. Ugh this man.. should I say mine now?

We sat down on the huge bricked out patio of the area where the chefs and waitresses were and the oceanfront was beautiful. Michael had worn a light colored shirt, jeans and his pennyloafers. I worn a Sunday dress the hung just above my knees.

"Wow, you look so beautiful, Taylor. I mean it!" He said as he rubbed his delicate and soft fingers against my hand. Something about that made me feel heavily warm on the inside. "You look handsome too, Michael. I never felt like this from any man." I said.

"What you mean?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows. "I'm saying that the care that you are showing me, I just.. never felt like this." I said.

"I can show you more than that baby." He said as his hand traveled down my arm. I felt the goosebumps crawl across my skin.

"If I can ask? Why did you and that girl break up?" I asked even though he had already told me.

"She wasn't right for me. She just didn't want the things that I wanted.. like a family and a wife. Pregnancy wasn't an option but she wanted just me and it just wasn't right." He cleared his throat and squeeze on to my hand a little more.

"A broken man who wants nothing but the best.. gets everything cut off.. completely. But.. up until this point right here, right now. I'm satisfied so far. I think I made the right decision in who I slept with. " He said said knowingly. " It's just something within you Taylor that I have learned to love. And nobody would be able to understand what that is but me. Your strong and you are sexy. Your brave and you are a very smart woman. Nothing can take you away from that and me well.. " I stopped him.

"Very handsome, sensitive, smart.. and daringly attractive. You made me feel every type of way even when we were practically tending each other up in the office. " I said and he laughed.

"Your the one who been tensed.. I have been watching you Taylor. From the time you walked into my building up until now. And I know before we got to this point.. I have been making you wet." He said and I looked away.

" This nigga." I thought as I felt my cheeks get warm.. He tapped my thigh, laughing up until the waitress came.


Taylor just didn't understand what she does to me. It's like shes my yang to my yin. She thought that I didn't know about how many time small were spots was left in the chair after she would leave from work. She blushed and it made my thump.

The waitress came and I looked at up. "Hi there welcome to Diner Springs... What can I get you two?" She asked.

"Baby you first." I said as she smiled. "Uh um.. Can I get the Salmon deluxe with no onions. And a long island ice tea on ice." She said. The waitress wrote it down then looked in my direction smiling. " And I'll have the same with my veggies grilled but instead of a tea, I'll take a beer." I said.

She nodded and stood the for a few seconds and then she left.

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