At Ease...?

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As the beautiful sunlight shadows across the room, I awake with a smile on my face. I let out a big stretch out.. just a little before looking over across from me. The doctors had to successfully induce Taylor's labor because she went two days after her due date. The verdict.. we successfully had baby girl. And a sense of peace rushed over my body as if I won an achievement. Taylor was sleeping after feeding baby Noella Auya Jackson. She is the second baby cousin, niece etc and first of our daughter.

After the delivery, Taylor cried because of the hurt and pain mentally she was feeling. She got blasted by her birth mother and she felt like she wasn't doing enough for us and I had to persuade her more often the last few weeks. Her reality was her mom had a few lessons to learn in life while in prison and while Taylor start living her life.

I walked over to her small bed. I carefully picked her up as she stretched a little and peeped open her eyes just a little. I sat down and looked at her. Her eyes, nose, hair.. was me. I couldn't believe I hit fatherhood finally at this age. Looking at Taylor, her giving birth turned me on to loving her so much more. That type of pain for women to give birth is not something to be taken lightly. Being this was a beautiful experience and a beautiful blessing.

"You okay?" Tears was trying to pour out my eyes again. I looked at Taylor, I shook my head a little and she almost furrowed her eyebrows.

"This is just unbelievable, I honestly can't believe I'm finally a father. I am shocked and so in love. Baby Noella, my daughter, I love you so much, just as much as I love your mommy." I said, kissing her forehead and placing her against my face smelling the milk she drink awhile ago and it smelled great.


I often wondered if my parents were proud of me. Looking up at the sky, a small breeze hit my face and a whistle followed. Then a sense of relief washed over me and I smiled. Seeking clarity it seemed like I found my answer. I got an approval with them. One thing I was taught was through God, my approval was through him. I am a father, business owner and I am due to be a husband soon. I have achieved so much that being stern was still a motive but only for greatness.

"Babe! You coming?! Dinner is ready." I walked back inside closing the back door to the patio. I walked towards the kitchen and Taylor was stirring the pot while babygirl was in her sleeper. "Damn babe I'm surprised she didn't wake from you hollering." I said walking to her.

"It was small and besides she hears her music. But you ready to eat?" She said turning and wrapping her arms around me. "You okay.. you were outside for awhile." She said and I gave her a kiss. "Yes baby, I was just thinking a little bit. You know with the wedding coming soon and everything. I believe that my approval a long time ago without my parents." I said calmly. She takes a moment to process and she nods, "I believe you are right, you wouldn't be here at this point. Can't imagine where but you here now and- "

She threw up food from earlier and it nearly gaged me. It had been about four months since we had Noella and I couldn't keep my hands off this woman. The sex went up a notch just about five weeks after babygirl was born. I couldn't help myself. Six weeks was a long wait and with my high sex drive and Taylor's extra horny moments, it's been a rough wait for both of us sexually. She just made me hot cause she was hot. I grabbed some towels and hot water to clean it up while she ran off to clean up a little bit. I got tickled because my men were marching and they were marching fast.

I walked to the small bathroom where Taylor was cleaning up, using mouthwash and washing her hands. "You don't think you pregnant do you?" I asked. She takes a breath and she almost smiled.

"Dr. Graham in the morning?" She asked. I had a feeling she was again. "First thing, it's time for baby girl three month check up any way right?" I asked and she nodded. "Yeah her appointment at 9:30 but he'll we can check me out and then her as well. Kill two birds with one stone you know." She said and I laughed.

Once she made our plates we sat down and said Grace. Times like this I have learned to cherish. You don't get too many good times like this. And I often wonder why it was so hard for every other extra hoe I had didn't want to settle down on build a family with me. Was I that harsh?

A small touch wakes me from my thoughts. "Baby you sure you good. You been zoning out on me all day. Talk to me." Taylor said. She sipped on her water. "I just don't believe I got here so quickly. It's so unreal, gosh am I dreaming?"'I asked and she laughed. She gave me kisses against my hand. "Babe no. Stay with me okay, don't go back to outer space." She said laughing.

"So I thought I saw some lady outside the store just staring daggers at me today." She said. I paused and looked at her almost going in predator mode.

"What you mean?" I asked. She wiped her mouth and sipped her water again. "I don't know but after I left my moms house today and went to the store. I felt like I was being watched. Then during check out there was a lady almost standing by the car and looking straight at me. Scariest shit that I seen. But before I could do anything, she got in her car and drove off. " she said.

"Why didn't you call me, I wasn't but around the corner." I was about to get mad but cooled down some. "I was going to call you and talk to you while I walked to the car but I had the cart and baby girl. So I waited a few before I left to make sure the coast was clear before I left, luckily the courtesy people were outside and helped me push the cart to my car. I didn't hesitate on puting the car in drive and leaving. Sorry." She said.

"I'll take care of this Tomorrow. You know I know people." I said. I rubbed my hand against her arm. "It's going to be okay. We needed to plan a vacation anyway, me, you, babygirl." I said.

We finished eating in silence and I wondered who that person was. I just didn't want to dwell on it too much because I wanted to give my family all the undivided attention the needed. Tomorrow once we get home, the focus was on and poppin.

Next Day....🥀

"Yes ma'am. You are a lucky woman. Definitely pregnant again." I looked at Michael. The pause and the biggest, widest smile, spread across his face. I laughed so hard. I thought he was going to jump out the chair but he was too calm, my guess he was shocked.

"Damn.. baby did you hear that??" He said smiling. Then I think his nerves was going off.. he couldn't stop squirming in his chair. " Shh.. babe." I said laughing. I didn't want him to pass out like last time but last time was funny.

"Yep you are three weeks... congratulations to the both of you. And your daughter is very healthy. I'll get your next appointment and I'll see you guys soon okay." He said. He walked outside and Michael jumped out his chair, smiling and dancing. "Yes! Yes! Yeah... another baby.. and I'm betting on another boy."

Later that day, I hired a few people who I wanted to keep an eye out around the house. Security at its highest. Someone watching our lives blossom was very stocker-ish. It's making me think Diana was on the list in my mind to keep tabs on. She kept calling the job within the last few weeks but we were in tune with Noella. Now that our family was growing. Drastic measures was going to be made.

End of the chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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