It's Happening.. Again

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"What the fuck are you talking about?" I questioned as a devlish smile spreaded across Michael's face, "Wifey, take off your got damn towel and lay across the bed." he said.

I stood there for a moment. He walked up to me and pulled the towel off of me with one tug. My heart was beating fast as he looked at me up and down, licking his lips.

"On the bed if you will baby, the punishment could be worse." He said as I walked around looking at him straight in his eyes. I noticed the items he had in one hand and I laid on the bed. "On all fours." He said sternly.

I laid in all fours as he crawled over to my hands. He took the hand cuffs and locked them each against the head board. I laid there trying to look back at what he was doing with no prevail.

I was looking about how a dog would stretch their body after being in a cage for a long time except, I couldn't budge. The handcuffs were firmly around my hands and I couldn't move any part of my body except my lower half.

"Spread you legs open for me." Michael said. "For what?" I said but no longer than that question popped out of my mouth a sharp pain hits my ass.

"Oww!!" I said as I laid my head down shivering from the coolness in the air. "I said spread them, wanna make it another one?" He asked.

I spread open my legs a little bit as I feel the bed go down. Michael sits there for a minute until I feel something being carefully shoved inside of me. I gasped and Michael giggled. "There, there my sweet wife, you will learn a valuable lesson from me. And you cannot go nowhere." He said.

I laid my head back down, that is until the vibrator started to move. The agony of this made me frustrated sexually and no sexually at the same time. "w-what a-are you d-doing?" I panted these words and then another sharp sting hits my ass.

"Did I ask you to question me. you have been a good girl until tonight. Who told you to lock the door to the shower and lets not forget the smart remark from earlier." He said as two more whips hits each side of my ass cheeks.

The intensity of the vibrator and the whips hitting against me was starting my drench me. I feel the wetness of the vibrator on the inside of me, taring my walls completely because it was wider than I was used to.

After at least ten whips or from what I attempted to count, Michael laid the whip down and from what I could hear, he was stripping himself down and that all I hear before the bed eases down on more time and wetness touches my now swollen area and I howled out.

"M-Mi.." the all I could get out as he flickered his tongue near my opening and he starts to thrust the vibrator inside and out if me.

"That's not my name, Daddy is my name. You know this, now you don't ever call me that at this point, or you will be punished." He said as he smacked my ass harder and I screamed.

"Okay." I said as he smacked my ass again, "Okay what?" he said. It took everything in my not to call him daddy but the more I stayed quiet the more pops in the ass I got, each one harder.

"Speak up wife, do I need to get my whip?" he asked. "No and okay da-daddy." I whined.

"You will listen and you will abide by my rules. Understand and for you finally punishment, you will sleep with the vibrator inside of you for the rest of the night. May you removed it, you will be punished." He said as he quickly moved.

"B-but.." I said but he turned around holding an all black remote in his hand. "I have it undercontrol and I am a light sleeper." He said as he unhooked the handcuffs and I tried to relax my sore body.

I squirmed my body to try and keep still but I didn't know how long It would last because I was soaking. I crossed my legs but the intenstiy made it worst. I looked at him with pleading eyes but he smiled evily.

"You will have to learn baby. That's apart of the game and I have all control. Got it?" he said as he puts the handcuffs and the whip back in the box. He placed the box back inside the closet and then he looked at me, "Yes? No? DO I have to repeat myself?" he asked.

"No, no daddy." I replied but with so many urges fled through me because now I just wanted him to stop playing these got damn games and just fuck me already. Release both of us for crying out loud.

"Okay so I will be heading in the shower but under one condition." he said as he took off his pants, freeing his length holding it with one hand, "You will suck me off first." He said.

Before I said anything, he pulled me up from the bed and had me kneel on all fours which made the vibrator advance up the core of my vagina. "Oooo.." I said.

"Now, suck me off. And I want to see your eyes, while you do it." He said as his cock was at its highest, hard and bulky.

I took a heavy breath as I tried to balance myself from almost climaxing of the vibrator and I was getting close. I took him deep down as he leaned his head back. I took my tongue sworlling around the sides and the tip using both of my hands to wrap around him.

"Oh fuck, baby, that's it right there." he moaned. I pumped and sucked even the precum that poked out of the tip. He grabbed my head as he helped him self, he dick reached to the back of my throat, almost making me gag, I was finding my self moaning right along with him.

"Y-your so good at this baby, I want you to swallow every bit I give to you." He moaned leaning his head back, every stroke, gag and lick sent this man to the mountain top.

He finally climaxed and his thick load filled my gums. I swallowed every bit of it as he looked back down at me red in the face. "Ahhh.." he said. He dick falls limp and then the vibrator falls from me as I climaxed too.

"Hmm it seems like you climaxed too, I might have to go a size bigger. I guess I'll let you slide. Tommorrow, I have a surprize for during the meeting. Lets see if you climax then.

I sat still as he fished the vibrator from between me and licked all my juices from it, "You taste good, your free for now." He said as he sits the vibrator down then he stops and turns around, "As a matter of fact, stay right there until I finish showering. And I'll know if you have moved." He said as I stood on my knees, not moving.

He walked into the bathroom, leaving the door cracked. As the shower turned on my thoughts ran me insane. The thoughts of me just walking in there and sucking him off freely just so he could fuck me, drove me crazy.

As much as I wanted to, I stayed right there. This was diifernt from any other pleasure I have gotten from any man. And he knew exactly what he was doing. I wonder what he had planned for the meeting tomorrow.

After what seemed like an hour, he popped back out only in his boxers and walked passed me. He laid across the bed, "You can get up now." he said as I got up and went to the bathroom to clean myself off.

I came back and he was laying on his side, "Come on, you know you want to. You know just as well as I do that sleeping on the couch is not going to be comfortable. And trust I can't control what I do in my sleep. I won't bite, not yet anyway." he said as he moved one side of the bed covers.

"I am only doing this becuase I am trying to get some rest not becuase you are in the bed with me." I said. His eyebrows raised, "You know I could stay up all not just punishing you until the neighbors hear you baby.. that's on you ma'am." He said.

I imagined rolling my eyes one thousand times and rushed carefully to get in the bed. I put on a long shirt becuase now, even if I put on underwear this time, he would punish me for putting them on. I kinda wanted him to but this meeting was important. maybe tomorrow night.

I laid under the blankets and I turned off the lights. After getting comfortable, I felt Michael's arm latch around me, cupping me at my breast line. I rolled my eyes again, "Good night baby." He said.

"Good night, daddy." I said as he giggled, "Your learning aren't you."

Before long, I was asleep in his embrace. Am I really falling for this man?

End of the Chapter.

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