chapter 14

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"She was just a kid.." i mumbled , kirari and ririka where sat next to me , either side , the police officers infront.

"Sora?" one raised their eyebrow.

"She blamed my mistakes on a kid." i looked up , i could now feel a very strong emotions.

Pain , and that led to anger.

"Dont . blame it on the kid." i stood up.

"Where are you going-?" kirari stood up and walked after me.

"To my room." i walked up the stairs and to my room.


I locked my bedroom door and flopped down on my bed.

I thought that would fuck me up alot more than it did , but i just felt numb and cold.

"Huh , thats weird..."

Trigger warning

I stood up and went over to the en-suit. I rummaged in a draw and took out a bl@de .

I pushed it into my skin and drew it along , beads of blood appearing.

Still , no sadness , no anger, no feeling.

" maybe im just broke?" i wondered , putting the bl@de away.


"y/n...dinner!" i heard a maids call.

"Coming .." i sighed and pulled my sleeves down.

I walked down stairs and sat at the table.

"How you doing..?" ririka asked , she looked shaken up.

" im ok." i prodded the food with my fork.

"You are-?" ririka looked confused.

"I dunno , i think so -?" i looked up.

" i cant feel anything , so im not really sure." i shrugged.

Kirai hadnt said anything until now.

"y/n." i looked at her .


"Whats that on your arm?" i looked at my arm and saw blood staining my white shirt.

"My business." i replied coldly.

Kirari looked at ririka , who looked away from me and looked at kirari.

" shouldn't do that." kirari stated.

"Im aware." i rubbed my neck awkwardly.

"Then why-?" ririka looked scared.

"I was just trying to feel something." this left the twins speechless.


I sat on my bed , i now wasnt aloud to lock my door which was annoying but i understood.

"So careless.." i muttered to myself. " just because your , hurting?" i questioned myself. " doesn't mean you have to make other people deal with it ..."i sighed and laid down on my bed .

Just them my bedroom door opened , kirari walked in.

"I turned to face her. " whats wrong with me?" this caught her off guard.

"What do you mean?"

"Well...why am i not upset?" i took a deep breath. " i just watched my family get murdered?"

Kirari sighed and sat on the end of my bed , she looked at me sadly.

"Theres only so much pain a person can take." she said sadly. " i guess you just had to much."

 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 // Mary x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now