chapter 17

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"Thats not very kind , if it weren't for me you wouldn't have all of these things." she shook her head.

"H-how did you get out o-of prision-" i was horrified , this isnt how i wanted the launch to go.

" i have my ways ."she shrugged."Now , what we are gonna do , your gonna come with me kay? Or ill hurt that little puppy of yours."

"Dont. touch . mary." i growled at her.

"Then chop chop , its not long before people realise im here."


"Where are we g-going?" i asked as she led me outside.

"Secret!" she giggled , its strange , she wasnt being as hostil as i thought. None the less i was going to strike very soon , or she was , either way , i wasnt convinced we would get out un-harmed .


"Ok here we are!" she took me into a room , it was big and empty , just a balcony door the other end.

"Why..?" i whimpered.

"I want to get to know you of course..!" she smiled at me.

"You litreally killed my whole fucking family-" i stared at her in shock , the fuck?

"Well , they were in the way!" she forced me to sit down and sat opposite me.

"In the way..?" i started to shake , this girl was a new type of fucked up.

"Well yeah , i could have easily killed you , why do you think i didnt lay a finger on you?" she was still smiling .

"So you wanted me to suffer..?" i swallowed , why was no-one looking for me?

"Oh god no! I love you , why would i want that?i need you" she moved closer to me.

"Need me hmm?" i swallowed putting on a poker face.

"Mhm!" she hummed.

"Fine , in that case i want you to put all weapons you have on you over there , im not risking you hurting me." i said pointing a little bit away.

"Okay!" she obliged.

A knife and a gun.

As soon as she sat back down i grabbed the gun and ran to the door. Fuck she locked it. I turned back to her , pointing the gun.

She faced me , with a slightly smaller pistol. " i didnt think you would agree." she said angrily.

"L-leave me alone!" i screamed at her.

"Tsk , look at you." she gestured to me with the gun.

~trigger warning~

"Your to petty."she scouled at me.


"Keep your voice down!" she hissed at me.

I slowly backed around the room to the balcony door . " look ill move a-away from the door ok? Just dont shoot."

I was now infront of the balcony door it was slightly open , thank god.

"Whats your big plan now huh?" she asked me , smirking.

"Well i only feel as if theres one option." i sighed. "Death."

"W-what?" she looked at me confused.

"I can get shot , or i can jump...or.." i looked at the gun and lifted it to my temple.

"I can make it quick. No-one could survive this." i giggled , right now , i wasnt sure weather i was doing this so she would let me go or...if i really DID want this.

 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 // Mary x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now