Part Twenty-Two: The Show

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Author's Note:
Hey everyone sorry I know it has been a while. So I'm dumb I thought the Conan show was based in Dallas, Texas. So for the purpose of the story just pretend it's based in Dallas and not Burbank, CA! Hope everyone likes the story so far!
Jamie's POV:
I'm not going to lie I was hoping that she would invite me. Not because I wanted to meet Conan but I wanted to spend more time with her. I agreed and I realized it was late so we just agreed on having dinner later. I also had to head home because I had early practice with the boys.

      ————At practice————
Tyler: so what did you and Lucy do after you dropped us off?

J: oh we just hung out.

Tyler: that's it?

J: yeah she had a fitting so I just played video games and then we had pizza

Tyler: why didn't you make a move?

J: wasn't the right time I guess.

Tyler: I mean she's pretty and successful. What are you scared?

J: I'm not scared. It just wasn't the right time

I was kind of getting annoyed. Every time I meet a girl he always says shit like this

Tyler: come on man you know that's not what I meant. It's just most of the girls you meet aren't at her level.

J: whatever man let's get through practice. I have to get ready after.

Tyler: where are you going? You're never in a rush.

J: I just have plans with Lucy

Tyler: you know I think you do have game but you just don't tell me.

J: whatever man idk what you're talking about

Tyler: do you want more?

J: what do you mean?

Tyler: like do you want to date her?

J: yeah...

Tyler: then what's taking so long?

J: you don't get it man

Tyler: than tell me! I want to help you and be your wingman

J: you don't get it. She isn't like the other girls she doesn't want your flashy moves she's just different just give me sometime. I don't want to mess this up

Tyler: are you crazy girls love my moves.

J: sure man. Practice is almost over I want to get a few more drills in before leaving.

Tyler: whatever man.

————— locker room——————

Tyler: you've been looking more lean. What's new?

J: I'm on a new diet

Tyler: damn can I get their number you've been looking good

J: Lucy helped me figure out some new recipes and stuff

Tyler: oh damn you think she can help me? ;)

J: Jesus Ty stop thinking like that and you have a girlfriend

Tyler: whatever man if you don't figure out how to ask her out someone else might. Girls like her don't just sit around.

J: whatever man I have to go

I get back to my house and change into something that isn't sweats.

I wonder if Lucy even cares what I wear like is this weird I'm just wearing a white t-shirt and black jeans. Should I wear something nicer?

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