Part Thirty: The Mom?

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Jamie's POV:
So she left me in the car. I was weirdly excited. I hated surprises but this seemed like it was going to be fun. I have no clue where we were. I probably look like an idiot sitting here blind folded.

She said she didn't plan dates.

But she planned this one...

My thoughts were interrupted.

L: ok JamJam you ready?

J: no but sure.

L: ok hold on.

She reaches over and unbuckles my seat belt and helps me get out of the truck. She holds my hand and tells me to watch my step. She leads me to who knows where.

L: ok stop.

I take a breath and I can smell trees and maybe water?

L: ok take off the blind fold.

She sounded excited.

I open my eyes to a beautiful view of a lake and a doc. It was about 5 or 6 so the sun was out we still had about a few hours until it would be dark. I look back at Lucy and she seemed nervous.

J: wow it's beautiful out here.

I move closer to her and pull her in and place a kiss on her forehead.

J: I love it.

L: hehe yay!

She jumps a little.

L: there is more!!

J: more?

L: yeah come on!!

She seemed so excited. She grabs my hand and pulls me into her direction.

I look in the lake house and there were more balloons, snacks, a cake and some other things.

L: so umm I was thinking maybe I make you dinner and then we can hangout at the doc and fish or whatever?

She was across the room. I walk up to her and pull her in.

J: this is too much. You didn't have to do all of this for me.

She really didn't I would have been happy with us just cuddling on my couch but this was amazing.

L: Jamie this is nothing! You gave me like 6 million flowers.

J: but you rented this house and did all of this.

L: to be fair. Taylor and Michael did most of the work. We kind of just showed up.

J: still. I don't want you thinking I want all of these expensive things. I'm happy with us just hanging out and spending time together.

L: I know. I just wanted to. And trust me I don't really plan dates so take this all in. You'll probably just get me showing up to your house in sweats from now on.

J: perfect.

She didn't have a lot of makeup on and she was in a sun dress. I could stand there holding her forever. The light was just right and she was glowing.

L: I should start on dinner.

She gives me a quick peck on the lips and pulls away.

I pull her back in. Her hands are on my chest and mine on her lower back.

J: you do know it's my birthday right?

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