Part Fifty: The End

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Author's Note:

Hello everyone! :)

So I have been thinking and I have decided to end this book at 50 chapters. I have loved writing this book and I will be continuing writing on Wattpad. However, I felt like I was just stuck and had no more ideas for this particular book. I am starting to write another hockey fan fiction. If you would like to go check it out that would be great! I appreciate all of my readers! All ELEVEN THOUSAND of you have allowed for me to express my creativity and weird brain here on Wattpad. I appreciate all of the likes and comments that you guys have given me.




Lucy's POV:

It has been a year since the bubble and unfortunately the boys didn't win the Stanley cup. The pandemic even though still there has died down a little bit and Dallas has allowed for us to not have to wear masks.

Jamie and I decided to delay our wedding ceremony until everything is back to normal everywhere so that out guests and family will feel more comfortable.

Now you might be thinking so where are you living now, what is going on?

It has been a year and I am actually pregnant.

Jamie wasn't comfortable with me walking around in a mask in Dallas since some people there don't believe in wearing masks anymore so I moved back to Canada to be with my parents.

Jamie had to get knee surgery so he was out for the season and he decided to recover here in Canada with me.

Everything has been good!

We are expecting a baby boy this March.

Jamie has been so happy ever since he found out about me getting pregnant. I mean my whole family was happy since this was pretty much the first baby on my side of the family.

Jamie's mom was super excited too even though this wasn't the first grand baby for her, but it was the first grandson she is going to have.

Jamie and I got a house in my hometown a few houses down from my parents and it has been great. Jamie has been getting along with my neighbours.

J: hey babe?

L: In the kitchen.

I was 8 months pregnant so I was pretty big now.

J: Hey what are you doing?

L: Just getting a snack.

He hugs me from behind and places his hands on my belly and I ca feel the baby kick.

L: Here feel this.

I move his hand to where the baby is kicking.

Jamie smiles.

J: come here.

I turn around and he lifts up my shirt.

He bends down and kissed my belly.

J: Hey buddy. You're growing inside the most amazing women I know. I just pray you come out healthy and happy.

I look down at Jamie.

I have never been so in love with a man. He is everything I could have asked for and more.

L: hey babe?

J: yeah?

L: I was thinking about names for him and I wanted to run them by you.

J: I have some name ideas too.

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