Part Eleven: The Ex

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Jamie's POV:

Con: next question... so Jordie how does it feel to have your brother as captain?

Oh god why would he ask that. Jordie will never admit it but I don't think he likes me being better than him. I know he plays defence and I'm left wing but it's hard for him to be older and be at the level I'm on. I try not to talk about it around him or be rude because I know he loves the game and it's weird for him. He's been better than me all my life and then all of a sudden I'm better than him.

Jord: it's not bad he's a strong leader and an even better player. It's good to see him step up and take charge of the team.

Con: that's awesome. If I was Nick's captain he wouldn't even listen to me. You're a good brother Jordie.

Jord: ahaha thanks I try.

I look over at Lucy and she can tell that I am uncomfortable. Lucy's phone starts to ring and she looks down. Her face drops and she doesn't pickup the phone. She looks back up and forces a smile.

J: you good?

L: um yeah! It's not important

J: um is the food done?

L: oh yeah they should be ready. Um can you grab them out of the oven?

J: yeah

I can tell she isn't ok. I wonder who it was. I wonder why he isn't happy.

I take them out if the oven and put them in the stove.

Lucy walks over and she sprinkles the cheese on top of the peppers. She also adds so chilli flacks and some pepper.

L: hey can you please put them back into the over for like a min for the cheese to melt some more? Thank you.

J: yeah of course.

I wonder why she's acting different. We've gotten to know each other enough to not have to act this civil with pleases and thank you's.

None the less I put them back into the oven and look at Lucy again.

She is talking to Jen and I can't help but think that she is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She is kinda, caring, funny, she humble and she knows how to cook. I can't imagine someone hearing her walk alway. The sound of her footsteps leaving would break my heart.

I guess I was starring because jordie cuts into my thoughts.

Jord: hey jam, the peppers should be done take them out.

J: oh shit yeah thanks man!

I go to get the pepper and leave them on the stove.

Lucy walks over.

L: they should be good to eat in a few min. They are supper hot right now so. Nick can you grab the plates and stuff? We can just eat here.

N: yes ma'am

Lucy laughs and goes to grab some cups. She is a little too short to grab the cups that she wants so I walk over.

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