Part Fifteen: The Return

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Lucy's POV:

I wake up and I feel as if I had been sleeping for years. I haven't felt this good in a long time. I open my eyes and realized that I'm laying on someone. I look up and see that it was Jamie.


We must have fell asleep when he wanted to watch The Nun.

I look over at the clock and it was 6:30am. The storm has seemed to stop from what I can see through the window of the basement. I probably should wake Jamie up just in case his coach texted him about the game resuming.

I shack Jamie gently as I say his same.

L: hey Jamie.

No response.

I say it a little louder.

L: Jamie.

No reply.

I poked him on the cheek.

L: Jamie.

Still no movement.

I saying it louder and I poke him again.

L: Jamie!

When I say this man woke up swing. He was swing!

I feel off the couch.

L: ouch.

J: omg are you ok?!?!

I start hysterically laughing.

J: omg are you ok??

L: yeah *I saw in between my laughs*

Jamie's drags me back on the couch.

I finally stop laughing.

L: sorry to wake you fighter but I looked outside and the storm stopped. I'm sure the roads will be cleared soon, I just didn't want you to miss your game.

J: ohh damn ok 😂 but are you ok? Did I hit you?

L: omg no you didn't I was just trying to dodge your fists and I leaned back too much 😂

J: ohh yeah sorry about that 😅 I'm used to the guys waking me up.

L: no no it's ok! That's how Connor wakes up too I just didn't expect you to do it too 😂

But man you are one heavy sleeper. I tried making you up like twice before you woke up.

J: ahaha I'm surprised. I usually never sleep at night. I'm so used to just napping throughout the day.

L: that sounds like a good life. But you should check your phone and see if your coach has said anything.

J: you trying to get rid of me or something?

L: yes 100% how did you know?

*i say in a sarcastic voice*

J: well I guess I'm just take my mother and leave.


J: hey! She's my mother I'm taking her. You can keep jordie.

I was about to reply but my phone rings.

I look down and it's Meghan.

L: sorry one sec I need to take this.

J: go ahead no problem.

I pick up the FaceTime call.

L: yeah girl what's up?

M: ok so my flight is in an hour I should be there by 5 pm your time. I called Chris and I have bad news.

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