Part Thirteen: The Boyfriend?

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Lucy's POV:

I honestly sat there playing Monopoly after everything that just happened, embarrassed that Jamie and his siblings just heard about my love life. Or should I say my ex love life. I never wanted for Brandon to get hurt. I never want him to have to go through someone sleeping with his mom for revenge. It hurts me to see that but as much as I tried my friends don't seem to care. They know and saw how broken I was after my breakup and how much he hurt me. They were hurt too and I can't get in the way of their healing process. I am scared too. Jamie probably is scared or thinks I'm crazy as shit. He would never date a girl like me. I come with too much baggage, too many problems and I come with a crazy family. He's probably better off without me. I'm sure there are tons of girls back in Dallas who throw themselves at him.

Someone's phone rings and the game is on pause. They all take the chance to get some water or food but I just sat there not wanting anything. Jamie went into the other room to take the call.

I sat there playing on my phone and saw a photo on my explore page. It was a photo of Jamie and some girl. She's really pretty. I looked at the @ and it was from a Dallas Stars WAG fan page. I look at the comment and I see her @ and I didn't even second guess to clicking on it. She's really pretty, she's blonde, long legs, perfect from what I can see.

Something I could never compete with.

I hear the others come back with snacks and stuff so I exit out of her account and just scroll through insta looking at what my friends have been up to. I then get a call.

Meghan (M) is calling

L: hey girl what's up?

M: I was about to leave LA for my flight to Toronto for the concert but it says it canceled because of the storm. Are you ok?

L: ya I'm ok. I'm stuck at my aunts house but it hasn't been bad, I made some new friends and got to spend more time with the boys.

M: that's good. How are you doing with the storm? I know you hate them.

L: it's ok. I try to not think about it. How's LA? How was the meeting with the new distributors? I looked over the samples you sent me and they were really good.

M: it was good! I got them to sign a 1 years deal with us and if they can handle our quantities then we can negotiate but I think a year is good for now considering how LA distribution is.

L: yeah good call.

*Connor and nick pop into the frame behind me. *

Con: hey meg how's it going?

M: I'm good how's my two favorite idiots? You taking care of my girl over there?

N: yeah but I think she likes her new friends more.

M: bitch she better not.

L: I don't. M you will always be my girl. How's my guy doing though?

M: he's good! He so cute. Like I'm so glad you hung on to this one.

Jamie's POV:

I got a phone call from an unknown number and I thought it was weird but I guess it could have been my coach so I picked it up. To my surprise and displeasure. It was my ex Katie. She wanted to get back together and she was sorry and that her and the other guy didn't work out. Honestly I didn't care. I was done with this girl and I told her that. I told her to never call me again because there is no chance of us getting back together. She broke me. She used me and then left.

I hung up on her and was about to leave the room when I heard Lucy one the phone with some girl. I know that it's bad but I was trying to hear what she was saying.

L: I don't. M you will always be my girl. How's my guy doing though?

Some girl: he's good! He so cute. Like I'm so glad you hung on to this one.

What guy? Is she seeing someone back in LA? And why is this girl happy that she hung on your this guy? What's so special about him?

Why and I jealous? I hardly know this girl.

Omg Jamie you need to get it together. I take a deep breath and try to calm myself down.

I opened the door knob and walk over to the couch.

Lucy looks up and smiles.

L: hey girl I'll call you back later. We are in the middle of a game and everyone just got back. Text me when you know it's safe to fly I'miss you guys.

M: ok bye babe. I'll tell Max you say bye too.

L: ok sounds good love you.

She hangs up the phone and Connor looks at her in pure happiness.

Con: Yo is my boy Max coming to the concert?

L: ahaha yeah he is why you miss him?

N: hell ya he's the best. Thank god you kept this one around, he's the only one we get along with.

L: Dad loves him too! He spends more time with Max when he is in LA than he does with me!

N: I can see that happening 😂 but anyways let's get back to the game.

Everyone gets back to the game. But the whole time all I could think about was who Max was and why did her whole family love him so much?

Jordie ended up winning monopoly and we went back up stairs for dinner. My mom made dinner and it was good.

We were all cleaned up and everyone went to bed but I was going to get some water when I saw the light for the basement still on. I just thought we forgot to turn it off but as I was walking down the stairs I see Lucy.

She curled up in the couch watching Friends. I almost forgot she doesn't sleep during storms.

J: hey you still up?

L: oh yeah sorry I forgot to turn off the light.

J: it's ok. Can I keep you company?

L: umm sure. I'm just watching friends. But you don't have to. I'm sure you need some sleep since you didn't sleep much last night.

J: nah it's ok I'm just going to hangout and when I get tired I'll just sleep in the guest room here since that's where your aunt assigned me.

L: yeah she is one scary women when she is tired.

J: that she is 😂

Lucy goes back to watching friends.

Fucking it I'm just going to ask like what is the worst thing that could happen? But then how would I feel if she was dating him?

Fuck it I'm just going to man up and ask.

J: hey um I heard you in the phone earlier, who's Max?

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