Part Eight: The Next Morning

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Nick's POV

I woke up and my aunt was making breakfast. She said Frank came and turned on the generator last night but the power for the rest of the city is still out and the storm is still bad. It has been years since there was a storm this bad. I look around and ask my aunt if she knows where Lucy and Jamie were since when I woke up they weren't here.

She said that they were down stairs sleeping when she went to go get stuff from the fridge down there.

N: Connor wake up!!

Con: what's up why are you waking me up?

N: Lucy and Jamie are down stairs alone. Sleeping on the couch!
(Connor jumps off the couch)

Con: wtf who let them do that!

N: NOT me but aunt Cuc is so happy about it.

Con: we got to go see what's going on down their. Like who does this guy think he is. Lucy can't just sleep with some guy she just met!!

N: I know let's goo!

Connor and I go down the stairs as quietly as possible and we see Lucy on one side of the couch and Jamie on the other with the TV on and Netflix asking is they were still there.

Con wipers: bro they aren't even touching each other. They are opposite sides of the couch.

N: I think they were just hanging out down here and fell asleep.

Con: look over there. Is that Mac and cheese??

N: ya I think so we should take it.

Con: ok bet

Connor goes and gets the Mac and cheese and runs back up stairs.

Jordie wakes up and walks up to us.

Jord: morning boys.

Con: eh man. Jamie and Lucy are downstairs I guess they fell asleep watching Tv.

Jord: there's power?

N: ya our cousin came last night and turned on the generator but the town is still shut down. The storm looks worse but at least we have power.

Jord: wait Jamie and Lucy are downstairs alone?

N: ya but they are on opposite sides of the couch.

Jen: what are you guys whispering about?

Con: Lucy and Jamie are downstairs sleeping.

Jen: and?

Jord: Nothing happened they are on opposite sides of the couch.

Jen: we should go wake them up.

N: ya that's a good idea.

Con: guys they aren't even doing anything. Knowing Lucy she probably didn't sleep all night because of the storm. And from what I met of Jamie yesterday he was probably just keeping her company.

N: fine we will give them an hour it's 7 am they probably slept around 4 we will give them until 9 so 2 hours.

Jord: man I though Connor would have been the protective one but turns out it's Nick😂

Con: EVERYONE thinks that. I am protective of her but I know she isn't going to do anything stupid.

N: and I know she isn't going to do anything stupid but I just don't trust anyone she is with. No offense of Jamie. He seems like a great guy but I just don't know him.

Jen: both of you have valid points but ummm what's for breakfast?

N: oh my aunts making it right now. We can head over to the kitchen.

Lucy's POV

I wake up on the couch in the basement. I must have fallen asleep during the movie. I look up and see Jamie cuddling with a pillow sound asleep on the other side of the couch. He's so cute but I probably look like a mess.

I get up and fold the blanket and walk over to the bathroom

I look at myself in the mirror.

L: Jesus. I look like I'm dying.

I wash my face and brush my teeth since I used to live down here. I brush out the knots in my hair and I walk back out.

I walk over to the kitchen and to my surprise all the dishes are washed. I washed the pots and pans last night but I don't remember washing the cups and the plates.


He must have washed them when I fell asleep.

I look back at him. He is cute and he's kind and caring.

He's too good for me.

I hear foot steps. It's about 8 in the morning I'm sure they are up by now.

I walk up stairs and see everyone eating.

L: good morning 😊

Everyone says it back.

I walk over to the kitchen and grab a cup of coffee and some food.

I go and sit down at the table and everyone looks at me like I have a third eye.

L: you guys ok?

E: of course we are sweet heart. I think they just want to know what happened to you and Jamie last night after everyone went to bed.

I laugh.

L: I couldn't sleep because of the storm so Jamie and I just talked and then Frank come over and scared us because it was at like 3 in the morning but once the generator turned on we got hungry so I made Mac and cheese and then we just watched a movie and passed out.

Con: see I told you guys nothing happened.

L: what did you guys think happened?😂

Jor: ok well... we don't really know but like we thought something 😂

L: I don't even want to know.

Le: is there still any Mac and cheese?

L: ya it was down stairs but from the looks of these two (points at Connor and Nick) they probably brought it up.

N: ya dad you want some? It's really good.

Le: bring it over.

We all are eating and talking and the basement door opens.

Jamie comes out with his hair in his face and rubbing his eyes.

J: hey guys.

He looks at the door and sees outside.


Jor: yeah coach sent out another text saying the game is delayed for another 3 days because the rink is flooded.

J: wtf we are so close to getting the cup I just want it to be over with.

N: it'll be over soon. And the game is postponed, not canceled so you guys still have a shot. We are going to workout later down stairs you and Jordie should join us.

J: thanks man it's just annoying. Even though I know this is something I can't control.

Le: son from what I've learned with these three and sports is. The only think you can do in this moment is make sure you are as prepared as you can be for your next game. So workout and train downstairs and then review the other teams plays to make sure you know their every move.

J: you're right thank you Mr Le.

Jord: ya we can go down there after this and start preparing for the next game. It's probably better this way, now we can recover and get a head of the Leafs.

Con: damn they are playing against Johnny 😂

Jord: you know John Tavares?

N: ya I used to play with him in the minor leagues

L: Ya he stole your girlfriend 😂

J: wait what?

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