Part Twenty-One: The Course

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Kate's POV:
I am sitting in a car with the girl that stole my best friends boyfriend. I don't want to be here and Tyler knows it but he doesn't even care.

I texted Katie and she said she had a plan and honestly I don't even know what it was but she said she would handle it.

When we get to the mini golf place I didn't want to get out of the car but Tyler looked at me and I knew I wasn't going to win this battle.

We all get out of the car and we see Katie's parents playing mini golf. I smile knowing Jamie is too nice to not say hello back to them.

Lucy's POV:
We all get out of the car and I see an old couple walk up to Jamie and give him a hug. He seems uncomfortable and honestly kind of annoyed but I didn't think much of it.

The women: Omg Jamison, how are you? It's been too long.

J: I've been good how are you Jerri?

The man: I watched your game congrats on the win.

J: thank you sir.

Jerri: well we have to have dinner soon. I tried calling your mother but she doesn't seem to have her phone on or something she never answers.

J: I'm sure she is just busy.

Jerri: well Jamison, who is this?

She points at me and I just smile and reach out of a handshake

L: hi I'm Lucy.

Jerri: well it is nice to meet you.

She doesn't seem genuine but that's ok.

J: I'm sorry but we have to get going. I'm glad you guys are doing well.

Jamie doesn't even let them reply before pushing me into the shop where we get the tickets.

L: hey you ok?

J: yeah, ummmm that was Katie's parents....

I start laughing.

J: why are you laughing this isn't funny!

L: but it is...

J: why is this funny?

L: well it's kind of genius. Like think about it her parents are here to see how you act around me and then report back to her. She can't be here but her parents can. I'm just surprised that her parents went. Like my dad would have been like get over it 😂

J: why aren't you mad? Like doesn't this annoy you?

L: no, not really. She was in love with you. And she fucked up and she can't let go.

J: but I let go. I don't want her in my life.

L: well she knows that and that's why she's still fighting.

J: if you were in my situation what would you do? How do I stop this?

L: ummm I'm not the best person to ask 😅

J: why not?

L: well umm I'm crazy and I don't have sane ideas. Maybe ask Tyler.

J: he's no help.

Jamie grabs the clubs and balls and we walk back over to Tyler and Kate who are still talking to Katie's parents.

I smile and hand Tyler and Kate their clubs.

L: this is a crazy idea but would you two like to join us?

Jerri: that's is an amazing idea we would love to join you guys.

Jamie looks at me like I am crazy. I smile and mouth for him to go along with it.

Oh trust me if Katie wants to play I'm going to play.

She's messing with an ex-mean girl. I wrote this book, and I can end it.

We get to the first hole and Jamie is still questioning my plan but doesn't say much. Tyler doesn't seem to care and Kate looks like she is about to throw up.

We play all of the wholes and I've learned a lot about Katie's parents and they have learned a lot about me. I can clearly see that they are surprised that I'm not a bitch. I even invited them to Connor's next fight. The game ends and it's time for me to head to the hotel for my fitting.

Jamie drops off Tyler and Kate at Tyler's house.

J: so why were you so nice to them?

L: well they are Katie's spy's. If they like me she's going to feel stupid for setting this all up. Plus it doesn't hurt to be nice to people. It does less harm than being mean to them.

J: you are something else.

L: well being the same as everyone else is boring. I'm sorry I can't make dinner tonight.

J: it's ok. I'm just glad I got to see you.

L: I'm glad too.

J: you hungry? I we can grab something before I drop you off.

L: sure. Are you doing anything today?

J: no not really.

L: you want to stay for my fitting and then we can grab dinner?

J: yeah I'd like that. What do you want to get for a snack?

L: umm pizza?

J: sounds good to me.

Jamie drives to the hotel and we walk get to my room and Taylor my assistant has all the racks of clothes lined up.

I ask her to order a pizza and Jamie sits in the living room.

J: this place is nice.

L: yeah it's a lot bigger than what I usually get. But it's good for fittings and stuff. Help yourself to whatever.

J: wow it has an Xbox and a PS5.

L: omg really?

J: yeah.

L: you can play with that as I try on some outfits for tomorrow.

J: wait you are trying all of those outfits on??

L: no just the ones I like.

J: how many would that be?

L: about 10-15 outfits.

J: oh man that's going to take awhile.

L: yeah... I'm sorry.

J: no it's ok! I got pizza and video games I can be here all night.

L: ahaha ok well you play I'll be as quick as I can be.

I kiss Jamie on the cheek and walk to the racks of clothes. I could tell he was about to say something but Taylor yells.

Taylor: pizzas here!

L: omg yay!

I grab a slice and walk back over to the racks. Jamie is still in aww but brushes it off and grabs a slice and starts his game.

I try on all the outfits and it's late.

L: hey Jam, I'm done

I say as I yawn

J: it's late we can always hangout tomorrow or something honestly today was fun.

L: I'm sorry it took so long.

J: hey it's work. I'm never want to be the person who stops you from going after your dreams

L: you want to go to the Conan show with me tomorrow?

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