Tamaki rode the elevator back with kyoya s they pushed him into his room. Anne was shocked to see tamaki and... kyoya?!... she could faint! Kyoya was still out of it as the nurses set his bed in.
"He's had a brain injury... nothing to worry but he might be out of it for a few days... doctors are hopeful he will be fine within a week... "
Tamaki was just happy knowing he's ok, he bit his lip as he stood by his bed looking down at him, " Kyoya....i'll be here every minute...like I said I would I love you so much "
Kari rested on haruhi side. She didn't want to but she was so tired. She fell asleep as they drove to the hospital. Hikaru parked up front and haruhi helped her sleeping kari to a wheel chair. The nurse pushed as haruhi wanted to show her parents kari was back. Her mom waited in the room and just saw kari asleep.
"it didn't work.... I should of never believed you... I've been so worried.... " she goes to caress Kari cheek. "my baby... "
"No wait she just fell asleep...you can ask the nurse she saw Kari happy! And she was speaking ! Just let her rest and when she wakes up talk to her normally if you make her think she's going to the place you'll put her back to the state she was in please just wait until she wakes up...I'll wake her for you..." she knelt down to Kari in the wheel chair and kissed her cheek softly whispering in her ear, Kari... Wake up"she smiled and kisses her softly, "were here...prove to your mom they don't need to take you away..." she kissed Kari's cheek until she woke her up and smiled, hoping Kari would still be happy and talk again. She caressed her face and looked into her eyes, "I love you~"
Kari smiled and saw her mother... She gripped haruhi hand tight... No... Kari had to focus on haruhi... She looked at haruhi and smile... " hi..." Her mother tried to caress her but turned away.
"what... Kari.. Its mom... "
"I'm sorry mom.. I... Just... " she held haruhi hand tighter.. She just felt safe.
"haruhi, please go... I need to spend time with my kari.. Thank you..." Her mother tried to separate kari hand from haruhi..
"no!! Please! No!" Kari panicked... She wasn't ready yet!!!!
Yuz took Anne outside to explain what had happen... Tamaki just sat there holding his hand.
"Mommy...." Tamaki whispered softly, "its daddy...I...I don't know if your listening or not but....I...I wanted to say...I love you so much."
Kyoya was not waking... But tamaki could feel kyoya squeeze his hand. Kyoya understood.
Tamaki cried a bit, "k-kyoya....I-I thought you were gone..." he cried a bit, "I...I thought I lost you..." he laughed a bit, "you know they even tied me to the bed because I tried to leave to find you..." he chuckles and wipes his tears with his other hand, "I love you so much Kyoya..."
"Kari it's ok, I'll be back here. I promise, remember...I told you she won't take you as long as she knows you're ok...I love you. Don't be scared ok? Please Kari..." she kissed her cheek, I'll be right outside...I'm not leaving you"
"mom please... I ... " she tried to calm down as haruhi stepped outside. She could still hear kari hiccup from crying... A few moments later everything was calm. Kari mother stepped out of the room. "she needs you... " haruhi came in and was jumped by kari. Kari held her tight.
"don't go... Please don't go....." Her big wet eyes pleaded, begged Haruhi.
Haruhi waited outside as her mother spoke to her a few minutes later she came out, "my daughter needs you...."
Haruhi nodded and walked back in, over to Kari.
Kari smiled and held onto haruhi. Kari kisses haruhi back and sighs. "I don't mean to be clingy... I promise to be back to normal soon..."
Kari laid back onto the bed and scooted a bit for haruhi to lay with her.... soon everyone was asleep.
Kyoya face... He could see kyoya smile just a bit before falling back to sleep...
"We arranged everything for him. Tamaki... I'm .. sorry." Yuz sighed and left the room. Anne placed her hands on tamaki shoulder and squeezed them tight. His father needs time.
Tamaki woke up holding kyoyas hand. The nurses came in to check his bandages and removed the one on his head. A patch of ace bandage was placed at his stitched up forhead and the back of his head.. a small section was shaved to stitch him back up. "Don't worry love.. he will wake up soon..." the nurse smiled at tamaki and left the room.
Tamaki smiled softly and gazed at Kyoya, "Mommy....my sweet Kyoya..." he lifted his hand and kissed it softly.
Kyoya could hear him. He could hear tamaki. He moved his head towards the direction of the voice. He was screaming daddy but it came out as a soft whisper. Why couldn't he lift his eyes open?.. he tried..... tamaki heard kyoya whisper daddy... he looked as he tried to open his eyes.... he had to hear tamaki again.
Tamaki leaned down and whispered in his ear, "I love you mommy~ I'm right here...daddy's here for you~" he squeezes his hand.
Kyoya wrinkled his forhead.. his eyebrows coming close together... he could hear tamaki. Whispering daddy once more he opened his eyes.. blinking a bit.. as he tried to focus.
Tamaki smiled, as he pulled away to look at him, "hi Kyoya..." he stood there with his hospital gown on and held onto Kyoya's hand tightly. "Its daddy... Kyoya..." He started crying happily, "I'm right here"
"Daddy... " kyoya whispered as he smiled. "Hey...." he wanted to talk more but sleep was calling him once more. He quickly fell asleep once more.
Kari woke up scared. She jumped but felt haruhi hold her tight. She sighed and cuddled closer to her. Hikaru rushed in and opened the door wide open!.. "girls.. cover up because I have fantastic news!" Kari jumped but felt safe.. she only yelpd just a bit.
Haruhi jumped a bit startled, "what is it Hikaru?" She grunted a bit.
"Well.. news have reported kyoya is alive and well!... all over the news... and so.. kaoru punched me..." he removed his sunglasses to see his new black eye. "Someone released the story.. calling kyoya a hero..."
"He is a hero..." kari hugged haruhi tight.
Tamaki giggled softly and held his hand tighter, "Kyoya~ my sleeping beauty~" he leans over kissing his cheek and waiting for him to wake up again.
Kyoya was out cold....Yuz came back into the room as anne decided to go home. She was tired. He still didn't know what to think about kyoya and his son... together. But he could live with it.
"Tamaki.. why don't you lay down.. you need your rest too."
Tamaki clinged to Kyoya, "n-no I'm ok rea--" he was interrupted by a sleepy yawn, "--really, I can wait for him to wake up again..." he yawned again.
"B-but kyoya!" he blushed as he knew he sounded clingy but he really missed him.
"Kyoya will be fine..besides, he probably be upset if you weren't resting.. now go... " he helped tamaki up to the bed and caressed his face. "Sleep... these couple of days been crazy for everyone..."
Tamaki looked at his father and nodded, he leaned up and hugged him once again, "thank you dad" a tear slipped from his eye, happily, "I love you"
"I love you too...." he kissed his sons forehead and stayed with him until he fell asleep.

"In Love With A Criminal"
FanfictionAU: Ouran High School Host Club Kyoya Ootori is new at Ouran Academy but only for a specific target,Tamaki Suoh, the son of the schools chairman Yuzuru Suoh. He was ahead of the hidden illegal business that is now under the control Yoshio Ootori, bu...