The next morning kyoya woke up early to make the family breakfast. Tamaki was not awake yet.. he grinned and kissed him. "Now who's the sleeping beauty..." he smiled and went to take a shower.. after finishing he changed and went to make breakfast.
Kari woke up early and looked down at haruhi... she just wanted to make her happy. She kissed haruhi and let her sleep. She headed down stairs in her pjs and smelled the food... she took a deep breathe and ..
"Morning kyoya..." kari said.
"Kari.. morning. I... did I wake you?"
"No. I.. well.. what you making?"
"Omelettes. Kari are you alright? Do you want me to leave?"
"No.. I.. well... " kari struggled. She watched kyoya beating the eggs and sighed. "How do you pleasure someone?"... kari asked. Kyoya dropped the bowl and turned bright red.
Tamaki woke up, he stretched and yawned as he crawled out of bed. He smiled and sighed happily at the smell of breakfast. "Once again you've woken up to the kitchen~" he giggles and goes to shower, then getting dressed. When he was ready he left the room and ran into Haruhi who was in her pj's still, the blonde giggled and greeted her. They both talked as they went downstairs to where the kitchen was but stopped when they heard Kari and Kyoya talking. The two almost squealed happily that they're beginning to speak again."Um kari.. its kinda different...."
"I heard tamaki.. you know what your doing.. I.. well... I don't. I want to be close to haruhi but I just stumble..."
"Have you talked to her?"
"Add this... to whatever else is wrong with me? No... I.. well... I just needed advice.. mommy.."
Kyoya knocked over a pitcher of juice when kari called him mommy.
"I... ok." Kyoya sighed and cleaned up the mess. "It is different between girls and boys.. and..." they could all hear how nervous kyoya was. "Girls have.. well.. senstive spots....and.... "
"I tried.. I missed badly. I think I was massaging her knee..."
"Um ok?.. well.. actually I believe the whole inner tight is a senstive area.. and.. well ...have you tried kissing her on her legs?.."
"No... I tried her stomach and biting and ..."
"Oh ok.. ok. Kari.. listen.. I believe anything you do will be fantastic. Just take your time and... when you are done with foreplaying.. um... well.. you move on into more.. deeper ..."
"Like how mommy?" Kari asked.
Tamaki blushed and face palmed, he tried not to chuckle.
Haruhi quietly laughed and covered her mouth. "Oh my god" she mouthed.
Tamaki started to join her laughter. They laughed at Kyoya.
"Its cute how Kari asked senpai what to do...she's so adorable...I love her so much" Haruhi smiled.
"Well... like... kissing her.. down there?.." gosh kyoya was so embarrased.
"Oh.. down... there?.. um, I.. I've never.. you know..."
"Oh... kari... I'm sure once there you.. you'll be fine. Just listen to haruhi... her.. moans will guide you in the right direction.. and her body movements...."
"So... if she moans.. I'm doing it well?"
"Yes... "
"Is she going to scream like tamaki?"
"I?? Um... I don't know.. everyones different... "
"But if I can't make her do that... I.. I feel like I'm doing it wrong. What did you do to make daddy scream?"
Kyoya omlettes were burning... he turned to them and quickly placed the pan in the sink....
"I... I.. well.. never been with anyone.. and... it was my first time..... "
"So how did you?"
"I just knew. Trust me kari.. your body will tell you.. its instintic..."
"Ok.. ill try tonight... thanks mommy..." kari smiled and went to the living room to get her phone she had left the night before.... kyoya just collpased and used the counter as support.. that was... intresting.
Tamaki and Haruhi were hiding behind something and came out when they saw Kari leave. They both bursted into laughter, at how Kyoya was so nervous and blushing. The way he burned the omelette and collapsed to the floor.
Kyoya stood up as he heard someone coming. He saw tamaki and haruhi come into the kitchen, cleaning up the mess.
"Maybe we should head out today.. buy food and eat out before... tomorrow." Kyoya was still blushing.
Tamaki giggles, and nods. "Yes! Let's go out to eat...where? A buffet?! Maybe Denny's?! Let's wait till everyone wakes up so we can all vote!!" Tamaki says excited.
"Dennys?... " kyoya asked, not knowing what that was. Kari came back from the living room with her dead phone...
"Someone say dennys?" She smiled and went to stand by haruhi.
Haruhi giggled and smiled. "It's a commoners place Kyoya-Semapi"
Tamaki blushed and bit his lip. "Sorry mommy we don't have to go there" he said shyly. "Well just have everyone vote on where they want to go" he smiles but still a little sheepish.
"I didn't mean it like tamaki...." kyoya sighed. The twins came down the steps and stretched.
"Woa.. something burned in here.. again.." hikaru grinned.
"Why the floor sticky?" Kaoru stepped on the tile floor.
"Probably had the boss screaming out again on the floor..." hikaru joked.
Tamaki blushed red and giggled nervously, and cleared his throat. "U-um wh-wheres hani and Mori?"
"Hunni isn't a morning person..." mori said as he also came down stairs. "The floor is sticky?..."
"Boss and kyoya..." hikaru said, hinting once again that the pair was at it in the kitchen floor.
Tamaki blushed more, and his behind Kyoya. "We were not shut up!" He nervously clung to Kyoya. He cleared his throat and stuttered a bit. "A-anyways...where do you guys want to go out for breakfast?"
"Hikaru.. please stop." Kyoya asked while he adjusted his glasses.
"Ya two aren't fun... where to commeners eat?" Hikaru looked at haruhi, teasing her now.
Haruhi sighed and rolled her eyes. "Hikaru stop its not funny...over overdoing the jokes..."
"when have you two been so dull. I'm going to go change... " hikaru leaves. Karou sighs and looks at the group.
"sorry, hes just in one of thosE moods. Anywhere is fine."
"they must have cake..." Mori says
"dennys!" Kari says in excitement.
"Alright, let's go to Denny's... Yeah Sempai?"
Tamaki blushes. "Me?"
"Yeah you silly~"
"Oh well y-yes let's have Denny's!
Everyone was excited as they go to change. Kyoya holds tamaki and pulls him in close. "are you alright?" He was worried about him. Hoping he didn't hurt him so much. "you sort of passed out on me..."
"I'm fine" he giggled blushing more. "It was fun, I love you Kyoya~"
"maybe we should make a mess in the kitchen..." He pulled him into a kiss and grabbed his behind tight. Gripping and pulling him close, teasing him.
Tamaki giggled, and bit his lip. "Let's do it someday?~ he giggles and holds Kyoya's hand right.
"we could play hide and seek..." Kyoya teased and bit tamaki lip. "go on.. Get ready... I'll call over the driver....." Kyoya grinned and pulled away.
Tamaki blushed and ran upstairs to get ready.
'My silly Kyoya~ I'll always love him~'
The blonde thought and smiled, walking into the room.

"In Love With A Criminal"
FanfictionAU: Ouran High School Host Club Kyoya Ootori is new at Ouran Academy but only for a specific target,Tamaki Suoh, the son of the schools chairman Yuzuru Suoh. He was ahead of the hidden illegal business that is now under the control Yoshio Ootori, bu...