Chapter 29: Saving Kyoya

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The chruch was set for a funeral.  That morning they were going to bury his mother.  That day where she died by Eclair.. was the same church the ceremony was going to take place.  Tamaki walked in, he didn't know what to expect, but he did plan it.  He was as smart as his mother. 

By luck, his father provided him with it. He just hope it would work.  Tamaki adjusted his shirt and collar as he walked in.  Yoshio was standing there alone looking in his mothers coffin. 

"You came alone?"

"No, I got my friend here. Say hi Casper don't be rude. See I would have called my friends but oh blew them up." Tamaki shrugged and slowly walked down the aisle.

"For someone who lost everything... You sure are cocky... " Yoshio grabbed a folder and snickered annoyed at the blonde.

Tamaki stops and chuckles, with a smirk on his face. "Well I've got nothing else to loose, and whether I walk out of here dead or alive, with or without your son that may or may not be a liar. I shouldn't have to act like a weak, whiney little son of a bitch. I don't want to to die knowing the last thing I did was cry."

Yoshio nodded and chuckled a bit, he threw some files at him. "sign them.  Hand over everything your mother left you to me..."

He grabbed the files and sighed. Chuckling a bit, he looked up at Yoshio. "And what makes you think i'll sign these papers off?...and before you threaten me by showing Kyoya on the edge of his death bed, give me a different reason. Because that might not work..."

"you are just like your father.  smart ass remarks... Its really not a choice.  " yoshio takes out his gun and clicks off the safety.  "funny you would say death bed... I already buried my son... " he smiles.  "his last words was me begging to spare your life.  Now sign the paper work. " Yoshio clicks the gun.  "or you will never find his body.. "

"If I don't...will you shoot me?" Tamaki bit of on the pen that was attached to the file.

"I will shoot you anyways.  You have done all I needed you to do.  Your fingerprints are all over the files... And on the pen... " he smiled   "not so smart are you? A grief stricken boy.. Came to the church... To take his own life... Simple suicide..."

"Did I?...oh..." Tamaki tore the papers to tiny shreds and carefully placed the pin, in the chest pocket of Yoshio's chest pocket. "What papers?..." He stepped back a bit. "Now you can shoot me. I don't mind dying really, I know you can't take what my mom left me. If you could have taken it, you would have done it already so its obvious you need me alive unless your feeling sentimental. Come on, kill me if you're for sure that you can steal the business right from under me when I'm dead."

"In all honesty... I really just need your hands... " Yoshio cracks his gun back across Tamakis face and watches him fall.  He looks down at him and steadies his weapons... any last thoughts?"

Tamaki panted angrily, he felt dizzy. The pain didn't affect him much, but he was still hurting. He tried to get up at least sit up but he failed and it annoyed him he stayed strong, refusing to give in.

"...... Tamaki!" Kari voice echoed through the church.

"...boss..." Hikaru's voice.

Tamaki's last thoughts were on the hosts, his mom and...Kyoya. He closed his eyes as he could really hear them calling them, when suddenly he heard Kari again.

"No!.." Kari screamed, Haruhi held her back when the shot was fired.  The twins were stunned, Mori and Hani chased after Yoshio as he fired at them.

Tamaki stopped fell back, from the way he shot him.

Before the house blew up, before the gun fire let's rewind.

After Tamaki stormed out of the estate, Hikaru was viewing the laptop, he saw Kyoya still alert, the camera on his glasses were still recording. Kyoya had listened to their plan and started to sign weakly with his hands the basement access garage and the word explosion home. The gunfire started and the fire.

Hikaru shut the laptop down and directed everyone to the basement. There was the underacess garage where the fine cars were kept a sublevel.

"Your too late... they are all dead..." Yoshio was being held down by Mori as the sirens were heard.

Tamaki coughed and sat up.

The hosts turned to see Tamaki surprised.

Tamaki looked down at his chest and opened his shirt, he wore a bullet proof vest.

When Tamaki had gotten there, before walking into the church. He decides to move his dad a bit  in the back seat,when he felt the vest under his father shirt.  He got an idea and quickly slipped it off and placed it under his own shirt. When he walked into the church he was adjusting his shirt and collar. Hoping it would hide the vest.

"No... you can't..!!" Yoshio was furious.

Kari was the first to run to Tamaki.  Her arm was bandaged but she hugged Tamaki tightly. Hikaru explained what happened and how they escaped as Yoshio growled in frustration.

Tamaki sighed and held her tightly. He picked her up and spun her. "I'm so sorry Kari, I was angry. I was mad at everyone I'm sorry I love you all thing. Kyoya is buried! We need to find out where, the bastard said he buried him he never if we has alive or not. Thing is...I'm not sure if he really did burry him either...he can't be dead. Right?!" He looked at them. "You said his glasses were still on, you know where he is don't you?!" He looked at Hikaru.

"no boss... The laptop was destroyed...But I have a sick thought... If hes buried...Where's the only place with a hole already dugged for a body today?" Hikaru hinted, everyone looked at his mothers casket.

The cemetery where his mother was to be buried, Kyoya has to be there, Yoshio was that twisted.

Tamaki grits his teeth and tries to keep his calm attitude. He took in a deep breath and turned to face the hosts. "Before I do anything else, I'm sorry to all of you. For being a stubborn jerk, I didn't mean it. I felt so empty, and torn to have thought that--" His voice became cracked a bit, and he paused taking a deep breath. He tried not to look so weak, and sighed. He cleared his throat. "---To have the thought that the last thing I said was that everyone lied, and that I hated you....but it wasn't true. I love you all so much, and I really wish I would have been the one that saved you. I feel so idiotic, I'm so sorry." He held his arms out for hugs. "Daddy loves you~"

"You don't have to apologize. We all know you didn't mean it boss." Hikaru hugs tamaki.  "Your an idiot.. but you are our idiot..." he added being his old smartass self. 

Haruhi smacked hikarus head and joined the group hug.  Everyone hugged tamaki as the police busted in. 

"You can't save them all..." Yoshio smiled. Knowing his son was dead, here was nothing Tamaki could do.

Tamaki felt worried, as if Yoshio was right. He wanted to find out for himself. "Alright, let's see if Kyoya's...really is...still alive." His heart beat slowly, he nervously shivered.

'Please, please, please' he thought.

Hani and Mori stayed behind to help the police, Tamaki told them to also arrest his dad who was still in the car. Hikaru drove them to the cemetary as tamaki knew it all fit into Kyoya plan. He let himself get captured to learn yoshio plan for them all.  Tamaki just hoped he was ok. 

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