Chapter 31: Happily Ever After

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The next day kyoya was released from the hospital, but there was a question, where they were going to stay?

"I don't care if its the streets... As long as I am with you..." Kyoya held his hand tightly.

Both their fathers estates were locked due to the investigation. Hikaru came to pick them up.

"Where to?" He asked.  Kyoya had no money... Tamaki in the other hand he had his mother secret account. All he had to do was present himself at the bank.

Tamaki asked Hikaru to take him to the bank. he then rested back and sighed, he held Kyoya's hand tightly. "Kyoya..."

"I'm here daddy... Im here." Kyoya held it all the way.  Upon entering he get with the clerk who asked for in formation.  Lucky he had his wallet and the clerk smiled.  "Seems this account is closed until the password is revealed... Do you know what it is?"  

Tamaki knew it was something special to both of them.

'The music box, the tune...hmm..the notes. That has to be it.' 

Tamaki thought to himself.

He bit his lip and stepped away for a minute. "Hmm...I need to call Kari. She has something I need, and I need to see it..." Tamaki moves a side and calls Kari on his cell.

"Hi tamaki... " kari giggles.  "Haruhi... Stop.... Tamaki... Phone...." Kari keeps laughing, she drops the phone and runs away from Haruhi. Haruhi picks it up but Kari tackles her and they both wrestle for it.

Tamaki sighed a bit and cleared his throat. "Guys...please th-this is kind of important." He listened to them play around and giggle.

"Haruhi!!!! " Kari yelled as she laughed so hard.  "I'm sorry... I... Tamaki... Just... Haruhi was trying to cover me in whip cream, she slipped on it...." Kari was laughing but had the phone.

"Kari as cute and fun as that sounds I...I need the pictures that were with the music box that I asked you to keep. Please, its important or me and Kyoya won't have anywhere to live..." Tamaki grabbed Kyoya's hand, holding it tightly. He pecked a kissed on his lip and nuzzled his cheek.

"Do you want us to bring them?" Kari went to get the box and opened the lid.

"Yes please, bring the box too. Love ya! You're the best. I'll wait here at the bank for you ok?" Tamaki smiled softly and sighed a little relieved.

Kyoya held Tamaki close as they waited for the two.  Kari texted which bank as there was several and Tamaki texted back the members only bank. One where rich folks have, exiting the bus Kari and Haruhi came into the bank. 

"Sorry miss... This is a member only bank.." a clerk were asking them to leave.  Kari held onto the box and stepped behind Haruhi. Hiding from the rude teller, guess commoners werent allowed.

Tamaki sighed and left Kyoya for a minute, and looked at the clerk a bit upset. Then leaving the bank with Haruhi and Kari, he sighed once again. He grabbed them both holding them tightly and smothering in so much love. "I'm sorry my little girls, daddy loves you much!!! They're just jerks!" He kisses them both on the cheeks and takes the box. "Thank you Kari!" He kissed her head and giggled.

"Its ok... I hope it helps... " Kari smiles ans watches them go back into the bank.  "Haruhi! Look!" Kari points to a shop across the srteet selling fried fish and chips.  "Im hungry..." she pouts and gives her big puppy eyes.

Tamaki came back and sees Kyoya talking to a clerk.

Kyoya walks over to Tamaki and sighs.  "This bank is rather rude...are the girls alright?"

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