Tamaki woke up in his bed. His hands and arms were bandaged. His feet were bandaged as well as his chest and side. Kari was holding tamaki hand as she was asleep next to him. Haruhi was asleep in a chair next to him. Yuzuru was pacing as he saw him wake up. "Tamaki... how are you?... I had to call a doctor here... removed your glass pieces because... " Yuzuru whispered, trying to keep Tamaki calm and not wake the others. "Yoshio threatened us... we have security guarding us..."
"K-kyoya? Wh-where is he?!" He groaned and panted, panicking. "H-he...is he...doing this too?" His voice cracked. "P-please tell me...its...a lie.."
"He lied to us all... relax son... he won't ever come near us. The guards are ordered to kill on sight...." Yuzuru sighed and caressed his sons face. "I have to check on the arrangments.... " Yuzuru leaves.
"Mm.." Kari starts to wake up. She looks up and sees tamaki in the verge of tears. " are you ok?... Tamaki... "
Tamaki cries out to his dad. "No! No!!! It can't be true!! It can't !! Please!" he crawls to the end of the bed to reach out for his dad who had already left the room. He fell off the bed and groaned hurtfully, but he didn't care. The only thing that hurt most was his heart, "k-kyoya's not a liar...Kyoya ...Kyoya..." he whimpered. "Even if you hate me...I still love you like an idiot. I love you Kyoya...you stupid criminal jerk! I love you!" He screamed. "WHY?!"
"... Kyoya wouldn't lie to him Haruhi.. ist there something we could do?..." Kari cried. She tried to hold Tamaki but didn't know what to do. Haruhi then knew, if kyoya wasn't lying and wanted to prove himself, he would use, Kari's laptop
"Wait, when...he said he sent him a video message Kari. Give me your laptop" Haruhi reached her hand out waiting for Kari to give her the lap top.
Kari took it out from the bed. "I don't think nothing there... kyoya erased everything....." Haruhi opened the laptop and saw there was a signal bouncing off from it. A video feed. Kari scooted to the corner of the bed. She didn't want to see this, she covered her ears and closed her eyes. Tamaki stood behind Haruhi as he heard Kyoya voice.
"I did what you said father... I left to come here..." Kyoya said. He must have hidden a camera in his glasses. Yosh was patting him down.
"You recorded me before... " Yosh slapped Kyoya hard. "You... need to pay for that...record a message.. "
"Father... this... you promised we wouldn't go after them!"
"Yes. I will destroy them before we leave. Finish every mission. "
"Father.... we can just leave and... " Kyoya was slapped again.
"Read it... and if you don't.. ill send Tamaki your head."
Kyoya read the message for yuz. Threatening him unless he doesn't turn over the evidence they have. If not, then everyone in the funeral will die.
The message ends and yuz handcuffs kyoya to the bed. "You will stay here until tomorrow...." Yuzuru leaves and they hear kyoya crying....
'Im sorry.. I'm sorry...." Kyoya cried as the feed was still recording. Haruhi clicks the live link and shows kyoya was looking down from where he was sitting.. he had fallen asleep.
This meant... Kyoya left to protect them.
Tamaki fell over onto Haruhi a bit. "K-kyoya" he lulled himself off her. "I-im sorry I'm still a little dizzy."
"Come sempai... Let's show you're dad this!" Haruhi helped him out of the room, rushing to find his dad.
They turned the corner an bumped into the twins. "Hey where ya off to? Woa boss..." hikaru steadied Tamaki. "You need to rest..."
'But how could anyone rest, how could anyone relax when Kyoya was being used like this?!'
Tamaki thought.
Haruhi sighed and pushed passes them. "Move you two we need to get to his dad to show him this proof of Kyoya's father using him!!"
Tamaki looked at them begging with his eyes, for them to either mopuzzle.help.
"Wait.. kyoys dads has him? Is that why he left?"
"Its no use.. your dad left with a few guards.... " Hikaru said.
Tamaki panted softly and bit his lip. "Wh-why did he leave?!"
Haruhi sighed, "hold on Sempai maybe I can find away to send this to him." She set the computer down on the floor as she made him lean on the wall for support since he was still stumbling. She typed a few keys but was very careful not to delete the video. She took a deep breathe and finally found the way to send it. "I...I did it...I sent it...I didn't think I could actually do it...well..I guess Kyoya sempai's hidden lessons helped after all." She smiled and chuckled a bit.
The video feed plays live. Kyoya wakes up and lifts his head when he sees his father enter the room. But this time there was tamaki dad entering the room as well.
"Here is everything I have. Your record is clean!" Yuzuru speaks. Not even looking at kyoya.
"Good. But your son will still die. As a lesson to my son...."
"You will not hurt Tamaki!"
"By all means nesscary.. even if I have to kill my own... "
"You.. ill pay you. Like before when they were kids...."
Tamaki was.. shocked? This had happened before.
"You can't. Tamaki is all I have left!!" Yuz shouts.
"You killed my wife... I swore revenge on you Souh..." Yoshio replies, to his dad.
"It was an accident!..." he shouts back.... his phone beeps and sees the message.
Yuzuru shows Yoshio and they both look at Kyoya. Haruhi growled and had tried to stop the fed but it was already sent to yuz phone. Kyoya's dad was not as forgiving. He went over there to his son and picked up the glasses from his face.
"Enjoy to watch? Then watch this..." yosh set the glasses down and made it face Kyoya.. while still handcuffed to the bed, Yosh started to beat Kyoya.
Tamaki's widen as he cried out, and fell to the floor. His vision becoming bluey again. "N-no!!! K-kyoya! I-i have to help him!" He stood up and stumbled to the stairs, he almost fell but he gripped the bars tightly. "Th-that bastard! Everyone! You're all bastards!! Lying, cheating jerks!!" He screamed angrily.
Haruhi stood up, dropping the lap top. "Sempai!" She ran to him but he pushed her away.
"DONT TOUCH ME!" Tamaki glared at her and grunted. "I'll solve this BY MYSELF! ALONE! SINCE EVERYONE KEEPS LYING TO ME!!!" Tamaki stumbled over to his keys, and clears his throat. Wiping his eyes, but still a little blurry. He slipped out his phone and called the man he was ashamed to call his father, waiting for him to answer.

"In Love With A Criminal"
FanfictionAU: Ouran High School Host Club Kyoya Ootori is new at Ouran Academy but only for a specific target,Tamaki Suoh, the son of the schools chairman Yuzuru Suoh. He was ahead of the hidden illegal business that is now under the control Yoshio Ootori, bu...