Chapter 21: The Morning Mess

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Kyoya was always the first to wake as he showered and changed, he went downstairs to prepare breakfast. Haruhi, was also use to waking up early, she was already downstairs in the kitchen.

"morning Haruhi...." Kyoya smiled as he grabbed some bowls to make some breakfast, " does... Kari like pancakes or waffles?" He was trying to make kari like him again.

Haruhi smiled, "I think she like waffles, sometimes she switches" she giggles a bit, "I'm surprised Kyoya-sempai I didn't think you'd be in the kitchen cooking"

"I always get up early.. oh.. you mean?..." he blushed, "I believe we still have to eat..and pizza for breakfast just won't do." he grins as he prepares the flour and takes out the waffle maker.

Haruhi chuckled, "well can I help?"

"Of course. Hand me some eggs and butter.. milk too.." Kyoya asks as he measures everything, "My mother used to make waffles for me... she taught me...." he smiles at the memory.

Haruhi smiles softly, "awe that's is sweet sempai, do you ever see her anymore?"

Kyoya was silent, he shook his head to forget about it, "Could you plug in the waffle machine...." his voice cracked a bit of memories of her. He mixed the mixture and started to scramble some eggs, "Does.. kari like eggs?" He didn't ask, he was trying very hard to make her like him again, "i'm sorry.. I just.. nevermind."

"No, its alright sempai I shouldn't have asked....I'm sorry" Haruhi handed him the eggs.

"Its alright.... I... um.. I haven't seen her since... she had an accident." Kyoya couldn't remember when it was, or what it was, he was just told that. He sighed as he looked at Haruhi, "Do you want to set the table... ill finish here." Kyoya adjusted his glasses.

Haruhi went to set up the tables. Everything was cleaned up and in order, Kyoya had been busy it seems before coming into the kitchen.

Hikaru came down the stairs wearing boxers only, he smiled at Haruhi, "You like our gift?" He laughed a bit.

Haruhi rolled her eyes and smiled, "we didn't do anything but she was a" she looked away blushing and smiling.

"Oh such a gentleman.. no kiss and tell..." he ruffled her hair a bit. He smelled coffee brewing and cooking.. "smells good. Finally using those woman skills of yours?"

Haruhi chuckles, "No its actually Kyoya sempai cooking" she smiled.

"Well close enough. He is mommy...." Hikaru jumped when he felt someone put his hand on his shoulder.

"And I also have many other skills... like sealth..." Kyoya said, he grinned as he set the waffles that he had made down on the table, "Wake the others..." he asked Hikaru. "And put a shirt... you will catch a cold..." he went back to the kitchen and checked on the eggs.

Hikaru went upstairs to change and knocked on the doors of the others.

"Boss... its breakfast time..." Hikaru woke up Tamaki first.

Tamaki yawned and sat up in bed stretching a bit, he smiled as he rubbed his eyes. He thought Kyoyas was still by him when he looked down he noticed him gone and frowned a bit until his nose caught the smell of breakfast, he giggled, "that's my Kyoya~" he jumped out of bed and rushed to take a shower and get dressed.


Haruhi went up stairs and knocked on the door opening it slowly "Kari?" she spoke softly, and walked over to the bed.

Kari pretended to still be sleeping. She cracked her eye a bit and closed it quickly before Haruhi notices, she wasn't the bed morning person.

Haruhi sighed and lied down hugging Kari close and kissed her neck and nibbling her awake, "Kari wake up~" she spoke in a playful weird voice, "please...I know you can hear me...I'll tickle you"

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