Chapter 1 :The red Scarf🧣& The Violet eyes

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' character is thinking
"" character is saying something
Hinata pov :
'I remember the first time we met , I was
walking toward the swing but then some boys started picking on me. I started to cry , I always felt weak because I couldn't defend my self but then you came along, your blond hair and those big Sapphire eyes with the red scarf.
Naruto pov:
I saw a girl with violet eyes almost pale, with dark blue short hair she was beautiful my mouth move on it's own "Hey stop that! Leave her alone My name is Uzumaki Naruto! , I'm gonna be the one to run the Namikaze company ! Believe it.
The older boys pov
"Haha no your not , let's teach him a lesson so he doesn't mess with us".
Naruto pov:
'Before I knew it I was punched in the face and they mess up my red scarf and I had a big bruise on my cheek' I heard her say something then I turned to her.
Hinata pov:
"They... ruined your scarf, I'm sorry"
Naruto pov:
I waved my hand at her, "it's okay" I smiled at her then I ran off I vowed to myself that I will always protect her.
Hinata pov:
'He smiled at me as he ran off I smiled before he ran I kept it on for the rest of the day'.
Naruto pov:
'Ever since I made that vowel I always protected her when the bullies would bully her so they started to stop'. It has be a couple of years since then now we are in middle school in are 2nd year , ever since i made that promise , to her everytime I would say hi to her i could see her cheeks were always red so I always assumed she was sick but come to think of it she look so cute when doing that' but I did have a couple of friends but they kinda did treat me bad but good also  because I was loud & kinda dumb but they didn't know my father & mother were Minato Namikaze , Kushina Uzumaki reasons because the teachers were told just to say Naruto Uzumaki.
I wasn't that close to her but we would talk from time to time but she was very quiet & stutter a lot but I always thought it was cute you know! , all of my friends came from big companies but like I said I nobody knew about me, well except one person her name was Hinata the one I made that promise to she didn't care that my family business was pretty big'. "But then my father & my family had to move to America because of the business and teach me how to be a good boss to the company & stuff like that ya know ? I was sad that I was leaving my friends and everyone I was gonna miss Japan". I decided to keep it a secret I didn't want anybody to ask me questions anyways, I only told one person because I knew they would keep it a secret , I told hinata she started to tear up a bit
Naruto pov:
"Hinata I'm moving to America, I'm gonna miss you but please don't tell anyone".
Hinata pov:
"Y-your w-what?... N-no d-don't s-say t-that N-naruto-kun !! H-how l-long ??!"
Naruto pov:
"It will be okay hina , I will be gone in 3 years because they are gonna train me for my dad's business". 'I hate seeing her cry , I thought I wipe her tears and pick a flower and give her a kiss on her forehead".
Hinata pov:
"I-i'm g-gonna m-miss y-you t-to N-naruto-kun" , I can feel myself blush when he kissed me'
Naruto pov:
"I hope we will meet again hina , promise me you will be safe ya know"
Hinata pov:
"I-I w-will , I-I p-promise o-okay N-Naruto k-kun ." 'I hate Stuttering I thought to my self' , I-I g-guess b-bye n-naruto k-kun I wave sadly
As he walks off the bridge he also looks sad , we  will meet again I promise naruto-kun i thought sadly'.
I hope y'all are liking the story so far , comment some ships u want me to do next I will do them thankyou hope You in joy the story <3 btw all credits to the Artist who did the pics

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