Chapter 21 : How..?

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"" character talking
' character thinking
It's been a month since Naruto...Fell in a coma I found out the Truth that Naruto was planning to Surprise me That he got father to cut the deal off with the engagement with the Ōtsutsuki's I was glad but it didn't last long I kept thinking about Naruto I would visit him everyday but his body had bandages wrapped everywhere he looked so lifeless So cold it wasn't like how He was before he Was always happy & warm even when he was sad or down he would still pull everyone together that was just how he was but now it was different his Sun kissed skin looked pale his warm comforting hands were now cold I couldn't help but think it was my fault that he was in this position but Kushina-sama would snap me out of that state but the thoughts still linger in my mind ... after Christmas break I started to go back to school I would did the work online but I asked the principal Tsunade to let me do Naruto's Work she agreed from there on I distant my self from my friends & family... I did continue my training even when everyone told me No I still did it after I was done I would visit Naruto his Hospital Room was filled with Get well cards & flowers most from his Fan girls I've never told anyone else's what happened that day only the police & the people in the waiting room which were my family & his & are friends , So of course everyone assume it was my fault... but our friends would stick up for me I always walked away I ignored everyone I was turning heartless I could see the bags under my eyes I knew Naruto would be upset that I was like this...
Hinata pov:
I woke up to nothing but darkness I grab my phone & checked what time it was it was 8:30 I looked at my wallpaper I smiled but then that smiled turned into tears it was a picture of me & Naruto at school... Sakura-Chan took it he looked so happy his smile made me smile but sad at the same time sad because I didn't know when he was ever going to wake up the doctors wouldn't tell me...

(I give all credits to the artist & This is the picture of them on her wallpaper)I get off my bed thinking about him I grab my clothes & and take my hair down from the bun I had on I turn on the warm water I stepped in I start to feel my body go n...

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(I give all credits to the artist & This is the picture of them on her wallpaper)
I get off my bed thinking about him I grab my clothes & and take my hair down from the bun I had on I turn on the warm water I stepped in I start to feel my body go numb to the water I start to wash my hair & then body after I did So I got out & blush my teeth after I do that I start to dry my self & I get change into joggers & a sweat shirt I pat my hair dry with a another towel then I put on some socks 'Today is the day where I confront him' I thought putting my black Vans I put Naruto's Orange Jacket on Over my sweat shirt I grab my phone , car keys & air pods I start to walk to father's office *knocks* "Father may I come in ?" Yes come in I open up the door to see father looking up at me Do you need something Hinata he slightly smiles I nod "Father I'm going to see him" No hinata ! He's dangerous! "Father I need to get the wight off my chest I need to confront him !" He stays quiet & nods "thank you father" I bowl and walk out I start to walk downstairs skipping breakfast "I'm leaving" I say before I hear Neji & Hanabi call out to me I start walking towards my car I unlock the doors I turn the on heater and put in my Air pods & play Some music I start to drive off to the konoha prison that's 3 hours away.
3 hours later:
I arrived at the konoha prison I turn off my car I put my air pods away & iPhone I leave it under the seat I locked my car & take my keys I start to walk towards the entrance hello ms can you walk through there & put your items in the clear box I nod & walked through Machine Your good to go Mam she smiles & hands me my car Keys "Thank you" I said walking away I go up to the desk in the front "excuse me can I visit Toneri Ōtsutsuki" she nods & types on her computer Yes Genma Come take her to room 3357 yes mam he nods and leads me through a couple of doors we walked through here please take a seat "thank you" I sit down in front of the glass he nods and walks out I wait there for 5 minutes till *Buzzz*Click* I see the Metal door opens I see Toneri Ōtsutsuki walks in & Rushes towards the glass I start trembling with hate but I stay clam I clean the black phone & picked it up Hinata You actually come ? "yes" So how've you been I've missed you he says smiling "Toneri I've came here to talk" he stops smiling & nods "Why'd you push me off?" Hinata I was drunk and- "Why'd you push me tell the truth" Well you already know that my family dis own me because Naruto ruined the contract i could feel my hands trembling my bangs covering my eyes I followed you & Naruto one time then I followed again on Christmas Eve no I was super drunk & Angry So when I heard The Namikaze proposing I felt rage but I didn't mean to push you Hinata... I slam my hands against the Metal between us where the glass is "Toneri ! He's in the hospital He hasn't Woken up from the coma If he didn't save me he wouldn't have to be in the hospital !" I could feel my eyes start to water Hinata it wasn't your fault so please don't cry "You expect me not to cry over Someone who I love since we were kids I don't even know if he will wake up" I start balling my eyes out Hinata I'm so sorry I didn't mean to put you in this situation he says looking down I got up & walked out I wipe my tears when my sleeve I started to walk with the Guard out the doors mam are you okay ? "Yes I'm fine thank you for asking" I said walking out the building I went straight to my car I unlocked the car I opened the door and turned on the heater I looked at the mirror I could see the dry tear marks left on my cheeks I grabbed my phone & air pods I put them in when I unlocked my phone I could see 26 missed phone calls from Neji & Texts from my friends asking me if I'm okay I decided to Turn off my ringer I played some music & texted Neji & the group chats
Text messages with Neji:
Brother Neji: Lady hinata are you alright?
9:30 am
Brother Neji: Lady hinata please call me 
10:40 am
Brother Neji: Lord Hiashi told me you went to visit Toneri Ōtsutsuki please call me or at least text me Lady hinata we're worried for you
   11:30 am
Me / Hinata: I'm fine Brother Neji the guilt has lifted since I talked with him tell everyone I'm fine you shouldn't worry to much
Brother Neji: take goodnesses your okay you worried all of us especially Sakura at tell us where your going
Me / Hinata: Brother Neji ! I'm fine I'm seven teen I already told father where I was at So stop treating me like a dam child!
Text messages end with Neji:
Hinata pov :
I was so mad at Neji but I couldn't blame him I was barely speaking with my friends & family the only ones I talked to is Father & mother I told Sakura to leave me alone and she did so everyone was worried for my Heath but I didn't care I'm still worried for Naruto 'I miss him so much' I thought while driving I started driving back to konoha then my car phone ringing I press the button it was Kushina-sama I smiled as I press the button.
On the phone with Kushina:
Hinata you finely answered my calls !
"I'm sorry Mom I just felt it was my fault that Naruto is in the hospital..."
Hinata please it wasn't your fault so stop blaming your self
"I know I've met with Toneri Ōtsutsuki a huge Weight left my shoulders"
That's good Hina I'm proud of you do you wanna visit Naruto with me you know?
"That will be great I will pick you up in a hour mom Kay ?"
Okay honey love you
"Love you to bye mom"
Bye hina
On the phone with Kushina:
The phone call ends with Mom I was happy to hear voice I've gotten comfortable with her ever since Naruto has been in the hospital she's been taking the role as my Mom it's been helpful even when I tried ignoring her it didn't work I was glad that she didn't give up on me Even when I push her away she was still by my side and I was by hers I'm glad I have Someone like her in my life but I still wish my real mom was still alive I miss her I haven't visited her since last month 'maybe I will go visit her' I thought while seeing the Uzumaki Namikaze Clan symbol I drove in I started to drive towards Naruto house I could see Kushina-sama standing outside waiting for me I start to smile I see her walking towards my car I unlocked the doors "Hey mom" hey hina i was waiting for you Dattebayo ! 'She reminds me of Naruto so much' I smile "Sorry did I make you wait long mom?" No of course not honey she says stepping in my car & sitting down she closes the door I start to drive "Hey mom you know Naruto looks like Minato but he has your face it's so cute" I say blushing I know right I'm glad he didn't get my hair color "Why your hair color is beautiful mom Naruto said that he would love to have your straight red hair I think he would still look Handsome" I say blushing & smiling aweee Hina I love you more & more she says hugging me "I love you to mom" You know hina your the 3rd person to compliment my hair color "really? But your is beautiful who was the two other people who like your hair color?" Well of course Minato & Naruto she says smiling has Naruto told you how I've met Minato? "No?" I'm not surprised the story is kinda cheesy do you want me to tell you ? "Yes please!" She laughs Okay So when I was little i had to move to konoha Because of my clans Company So I was new & my clan is noticed by our Straight red hair So of course I got bullied because of it all the boys would just pull on my red hair calling me a tomato except Minato he would just look away blushing at the Time I didn't pay no mind to it one day I was tried of getting picked on So i told the same boys that I was gonna dye my hair black So after school I went straight to the hair salon but before I could dye it Minato Came in he called my hair beautiful & convince me to not dye it I was happy Someone actually called my hair beautiful then from that day on me & Minato would always be together when I found out I was pregnant with Naruto we were happy the years passed on when Naruto first said his first sentence he said Mommy your hair is beautiful I wish I had mine like that Dattebayo She said smiling & "Aww mom that's so cute" I know right "Hey mom I have a picture of Naruto with a red intentions in his hair do you wanna see it ?" Of course she says I parked at the hospital i grabbed my phone and unlocked it Hina that picture of you & Naru is so cute "Thank you mom" I say smiling I go to the picture & show her

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