Chapter 3: we meet again ...

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' character thinking
" character talking
^^ how naruto looks
Hinata & the gang pov:
When did Naruto get back in Japan!? And when did he get so good looking?! Ino & Sakura both said hey I'm right here Ino your boyfriend , Sai I was kidding but it's just surprising to see him here , hey Sasuke kun what do you think ? "Hn" Sasuke maybe he has a reason for leaving ?. Even if he did that would be a such drag but I do miss him, "That dobe" 'I wonder if he's the heir to Namikaze company neji thought' . Naruto was very youthful back at middle school , everyone started talking then Hinata said "hey guys I'm leaving see y'all tomorrow" lady Hinata let's go home together I'm pretty sure uncle would be mad if I let u go home alone , okey neji I will be waiting in the car. Bye Neji text me when u get home, see y'all
Everyone said Bye everyone at the table.
Hinata pov:
'I wonder if he remembers me I still remember when he kissed me on my forehead, Well we meet again?' I thought as I sat in the car
Neji pov:
I saw Hinata looking kinda down , I decided to take the risk & asked her "you still have feelings for Naruto don't you ?"
Hinata pov:
Huh?! But I can't lie to Neji we been close since little kids 'so all I did was nod.'
Neji pov:
Well I always kinda knew even when u were with Kiba, I just want a explanation is to why he left without a word & that in school they never mention his last name.
Hinata pov:
Neji there's something I have to tell you , I know the reason why he left... 3 years ago
Then she explained
Neji pov:
I knew he was an heir to his father's company when so I understand why he left but why not tell us ?
Hinata pov:
I never knew the reason... but don't say a word to anyone that's for naruto & not me okay promise me Neji.
Neji pov:
I promise lady hinata , ' she's loves him so much, I hope she's realizes it' .
The whole car ride was quiet after .
The next morning
Naruto pov:
Naruto wake up time for school , okay mom I went to restroom, brush my teeth took a shower then put on my school uniform. "Good morning mom & Dad have a good day" I grab a lollipop and ran out to my car , then drove to school . I got out of my car and I went to the office to baa chan office to pick up my schedule
" bye baa Chan" Don't call me that you brat I ran to go find my first class but then I bumped into a guy with grey hair with a dark blue scarf covering like half of his face "I'm sorry sensei" so your my new student Naruto"uh I guess so ya know" alright let's head to class. Stay here Naruto "okay kakashi sensei" 'It's good he settled down I thought' , Hello students I was getting are new student , yea right sensei your always late, mhm you say something ? Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze come in "everybody went quiet when I walk in then I heard it the screams & squeals from girls , " hi I hope we can have a good year" does anyone have any questions for mr. Uzumaki , do you have a girlfriend?, did u come from American?, "uh I do not have a girlfriend & I was born in Japan.
Naruto !? I turn and I see the old gang , Sakura, Ino ,Kiba ,lee, Shikamaru , Chouji , Sasuke, Neji, Shino,Ten Ten, Hinata, 'she's looks even more beautiful I miss her'. Naruto if u don't mind can u sit over there by the window, "okay
Kakashi sensei" , everyone got to there seats and class started to start but all I could was think about her. Class was over , Naruto do you wanna walk me to my class girls kept asking, Nope he's busy right now i felt someone cling to my arm & force me to the courtyard , your going explained why you left with out a word Sakura said yea Naruto ino said , I sat down on one of the benches " Guys I left because my father wanted to train me , because I'm the heir to Namikaze company and I didn't say anything because I didn't wanna bother y'all.
Naruto you Baka we were all sad that U left with out a word, yea it was a drag , hn , my youthful friend we forgive you , yea *eats* , neji nods , "Thanks you guys" I saw her Violet pale eyes looking at me , she was in the back I walk to the back and grab her hand and ran from the group to the purple cherry blossom tree.
Hinata pov:
We meet again
Naruto pov:
We meet again
They both said , both chuckles it's good to see you hina , *Starts to blush*
Hinata pov:
You to Naruto kun , I only told neji about your secret yesterday...
Naruto pov:
It's fine hina , I'm just glad that he kept you safe , *smiles*
Hinata pov:
'He still cares , there's no doubt about it I'm starting to fall all over again with him *starts to blush*' I'm glad that your doing good naruto -kun
Naruto pov:
'Her cheeks are so cute' hey hina can I get your number so we could catch up ? , 'I hope she Says yes...'
Hinata pov:
'Did he just ?!' "Uh mhm ah YES!"
Hina your stammering he giggle
"Sorry Naruto kun"
Naruto pov
"It's fine hina I think it's kinda cute and u can just call me Naruto *winks*, here's my number , call me if u need anything & well I gotta go before everyone comes see you *smiles*
Hinata pov:
"Yea see you , Dam My heart it goes crazy for that goofy blond with those dark Sapphire eyes". Hey hinata why did you & Naruto run off Sakura asks , "uh ah mhm *starts to blush* Nothing no reason!" Hmm yea yea hinata , *she giggles*, "It was nothing ! Let's go to class already"
Everyone pov:
"She's stammering?!"
I hope y'all are liking the story so far , comment some ships u want me to do next I will do them thankyou hope You in joy the story <3 btw all credits to the Artist who did the pics

We meet again...(Naruto x Hinata) (Naruhina)Where stories live. Discover now