Chapter 19 : Hinata will yo-.....

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"" character talking
' character thinking
It's been weeks since our second month but it feels like we been together for years he makes me feel that way...   I've finished the scarf I made for Naruto I've put my whole feelings into the red scarf I hope he accepts it I'm glad he's mine but Sometimes it feels like he's two steps away from me I know he still has those Nightmares I think he doesn't want me to burden me even though I fully accepted that and I'm willing to be by his side and Help him like he did with me even though he's so stubborn Sometimes it's snowing a lot more so the lakes are all froze where you could skate on them I was excited because I haven't skated since last year when I learned how to skate when I was little my Mother thought me So I wanted to share that with Naruto So we did We both invited Neji & Hanabi But sadly Neji said no because he's getting more training because he was just notified that he will be the second owner of the other half of the hospitals, he had to miss but Hanabi went with us to Shake She had learned when I taught her a couple of years back but Naruto he fell on his butt he kept falling which was funny he was pouting it was cute but he had learned After a while he took us back home the two weeks of Christmas break has started So he was able to spend time with me I was surprised when father let me have the two weeks off I was glad but confused I still did the basics training at home So I don't forget. Christmas Eve is today I'm excited but nervous Sakura Chan is having her party today I hope she doesn't drink or anything it could be dangerous So me & Naruto promise to check on them after We're done with the date.
Hinata pov:
I woke up to see a little piece of my window showing the white snow falling from the sky it made the sun look beautiful I always like to watch the snow it was free & beautiful I got out of my bed & walked to my window I open the curtains then I grab my clothes and went to the shower I did my normal routine after I was done changing i was wearing a black long sleeve under my Scarlet jacket it had a hood with it so I decided not to where a scarf I put on blue tight jeans with black long boots that reached my knees I brush my hair & started to walk downstairs Goodmoring Lady hinata "Goodmoring neji" we went to the dining room & started eating breakfast "So neji are you going to ask Ten Ten out?" He starts to blush Yes when I go to Sakura Chan party "Yayyyy finally I was waiting for you to get together" I said quietly yes are you going? He said drinking his coffee "No me & Naruto are having a date today but i we promise to come check on y'all so please Neji don't get drunk okay ?" I won't lady hinata you stay safe okay ? "I will thanks neji" I said smiling he also smiled "will I better go tell father" yes please be safe "I will" I said walking upstairs to fathers office.
Naruto pov:
I woke up to the Sun shining in my face the same color as my hair I rub my eyes a little my mind completely blank I grab my phone to check the time I saw a picture of Hinata she was smiling while she was skating she looked so beautiful but then she reminded of how much I love her i got up it was 8:30 I took a shower & put on my Necklace that I won from Baa Chan for a bet & I promised to be the CEO of the family company before I died then I put Black and orange sweater with a orange scarf with a red beanie I walked back in my room & grab my phone because I just remembered about how I'm proposing to Hina today and I'm freaking out 'What if she says no?!!!' I thought while calling Sasuke , Shikamaru , Neji.
Phone call with the boys:
"Hey guys I'm freaking out !!!" I said trembling
Why ? Dobe ?
"Because what if she says no?"
Troublesome she's not chill out
Yea lady hinata looked really happy when she said y'all were going out today
"Really?" They all nod "I hope she says yes" I said looking down at the box with the engagement ring
Don't worry she will just keep your cool
I smile "Thanks you guys"
No problem
Neji nods
Are you coming to Sakura Christmas party ?
"Yea after I'm done proposing I promise hina We're gonna check up on y'all So don't get to drink" I said chuckling
We won't don't be dumb
Promise to take care of lady hina
"I promise & I also promise to check up on y'all" I said smiling they nodded
Well we gotta go So hurry up & make her your wife already
"Okay bye" I said hanging ups
Phone call with the boys ends:
Naruto pov:
I started to walk downstairs to eat breakfast with Mom & dad I walked to the dining room "Good morning Dad & mom" Good morning Son Good morning Naruto they both say smiling I sit down & start to eating breakfast thinking how Should I propose to Hinata but my Thoughts broke Naruto are you nervous about Proposing? "Uh What!!! How Did you know?" Because you're our Son we know when Something is on your mine "Oh right well I guess I'm" I said rubbing my head with my hand Naruto don't be so nervous I was the same way when I was proposing to your mother "Reallyy?" I said turning to him Yes I was very nervous till Your grandmother tsunade punched me towards the wall to snap me out of me "Man must of been painful" he nods Hey Naruto you want me to do the same thing Mom said while her hair started to fly up in seven Parts "No ! That's okay " I said running upstairs I ran to my room & grabbed the tiny box and I put it in my Pocket in my jacket then I grabbed my phone & keys I also grabbed the Bouquet of blue roses then I started to walked downstairs I walked towards the dining room I picked out one of the blue roses from the bouquet I gave it to mom she smiled & blush"Bye mom & Dad I'm going to picked up Hinata now I love y'all" I said walking out of the dining room to where the front door is I started walking out to my car I opened the doors to my car the snow was pretty it reminded me of Hinata pale skin that compliments her eyes so well I smiled thinking about it I put the bouquet of blue roses in the back seat then I started to drive to Hina's house.
Hinata pov:
I started to walk up to father's office *Knocks* "father may I come in ?" Yes I nodded & opened the door I could see father writing on documents not looking up "Father I'm going with Naruto today" Okay Hinata i could see a faint smile on his lips you wouldn't have seen it if you weren't paying attention "father?" Hm? "Later you should spend Christmas Eve with Hanabi she won't say it but she does like spending time with you even if it's training" he stayed quiet "Father please?" I will once I heard that I smiled "Thank you father" no need for Thanks Hinata you're my Daughter So is Hinata he said smiling & nodded "Of course father I shall take my leave" yes you may go I smiled & walked out of father's office & close his door I walked to my room and grabbed my phone and the bag that held the scarf I made for Naruto I close my door & started walking downstairs *Doorbells rings* i opened the door Good morning Hina he says smiling "Good morning Naru" I hugged him Ready to go ? I nodded "I'm going now Take care everyone" bye elder Sister i felt hands behind me "bye Hanabi" I said turning around & kissing her forehead and walking out with Naruto she close the door & I started to smile Naruto opened my door i walked in And sat the bag down in the back seat I watch Naruto sit down in the car he gave me a genuine smile he had is eyes close & smiled it reminded me of Mother smile I started to tear up What's wrong Hinata ? He said wiping my tears "Nothing you just reminded me of mom" I said smiling holding his cheek he blush and turned on the car I smiled with my hand on his while he's driving Hina I know we made a schedule but can I visit your Mother I wanted to talk to her... he said Stoping at the red light then the light turn green he started driving again "Yes that's fine" I said smiling Oh okay thanks Hinata he said smiling 'I wonder what's up' I thought while we're showing up to the Hyūga private grave yard he parked & I was about to get out when Naruto stop me Hina I wanted to talk to her alone please? He said winking while smiling I giggle "of course tell mom I love her" I said smiling he nodded & took a Bouquet of Dark blue roses that were the same colored as my hair & mothers I remember once that I told Naruto that Mom liked Dark blue roses I smiled at the thought he grabbed one out of the Bouquet & handed me one "Thank you" I smiled Of course hina are you gonna tell me what's in the bag he said winking I started to giggle "No are you gonna tell me what your gonna tell mom?" He blush & kissed my forehead Nope and he Left on the car with the heater Stay warmed hina I will be back he said smiling I nodded he step out of the car and close the door I smiled at him walking towards the cherry blossom tree that already has the pedals off it I felt sad but looking at Naruto made me smile again.
Naruto pov:
I arrive at Hinata house and I parked outside I left the car on while I stepped out I lock it and started to walk to the front door of Hinata house I rung the doorbell to the Hyūga mansion I see someone opened the door it's hinata 'she looked so beautiful with the Scarlet jacket' on I thought "Good morning Hina" i say smiling Good morning Naru she said while hugging me "Ready to go ?" She nodded I'm going now Take care everyone she said while smiling I blushed at her then I saw Hanabi running downstairs bye elder Sister she said hugging Hinata from behind it was cute because she was shorter then Hinata then she smiled bye Hanabi She said turning around & kissing her forehead and then she grabbed my hand we started to walk out I saw hinata smiled I smiled as well I opened the door for her she walked in & sat down I noticed the small bag in her hand but I didn't say anything I walked around to my side I could feel the heat from the car I gave her a genuine smile I had my eyes close & smiled i opened my eyes I frown I saw Hinata crying "What's wrong Hinata?" I said wiping her tears Nothing you just reminded me of mom She said smiling I felt her warm hand holding my cheek I started to blush and I turned on the car I felt her warm hand leave my cheek but then I felt it on my hand on my thigh I looked at her she was smiling with Her hand on mine while I was driving I smiled as well 'it came so Naturally when I was around her it wasn't faked like it was three years ago' I thought while driving "I know we made a schedule but can I visit your Mother I wanted to talk to her.." I said while stopping at the red light 'I wanted to ask her mother for permission to marry her' I thought while continuing driving when the light turn green Yes that's fine she said smiling "Oh okay thanks Hinata" I said smiling we were at the Hyūga private grave yard already I parked & I saw Hinata was about to get out when I stopped her "Hina I wanted to talk to her alone please?" I said winking while smiling I heard her giggle of course tell mom I love her she said while smiling I nodded & took out a Bouquet of Dark blue roses that were the same colored as Hinata hair & her mom I remembered when Hinata told Me that her Mom liked Dark blue roses I liked that because the color was beautiful it was the color of Hinata's & her mom hair I saw her smile looking at the bouquet full of dark blue roses I grabbed one out of the Bouquet & handed one to Hina I smiled at her Thank you She said while smiling "Of course hina are you gonna tell me what's in the bag" I said winking she started giggling No are you gonna tell me what your gonna tell mom? I started to blush and then I learned over to Hinata & kissed her forehead "Nope" I said leaving the heater on So
Hina don't freeze "Stay warmed hina I will be back" I said smiling She nodded I step out of the car and close the door I started walking towards Hinata mom grave 'oof that was close one I almost told her why' I said wiping the sweat on my forehead I started walking towards the the cherry blossom tree that the pedals have falling off it I felt sad but I cheered up a bit 'They will grow in spring' I thought while sitting in the snow in front of Hinata mother's grave I smiled wiping off the snow off her grave "hehe you must be cold Mrs. Hyūga I came here by my self today well Hinata is in the Car with the heater on but I came here today because I wanted to asked you if I can Ask your Daughter Hinata hand in marriage" I said putting the Bouquet of Dark blue roses in front of her Mother's grave "No I'm not trying to buy your affection with flowers" I said giggling while rubbing the back of my neck "I truly do love her with all my heart I wished I could of met you in person but Hina says that you were a lot like my mom But just a little more Shy & quiet I seen pictures of you with Hinata y'all looked like twins I hope your watching over her & Hanabi and also Mrs. Hyūga & Neji They miss you very much" I said smiling "she's shy, caring, thoughtful, polite and gentle Which is the opposite of me that's why we complete each other she save me so many times when I felt like giving up she was there I love going with her to visit you , even when she cry's I get hurt a little every time I see it i always pick her up when's she's down just like how's she's with me and I vowed to protect her with my life ever since we were small children I love spending time with her her smile lightens my day every time I see it, it brakes me every time When I see her crying because she was getting picked on and I always was there to protect her & I always will I love her even if that means we're apart which I don't want I want to spend the rest of my life with her but if she doesn't want to I wish to force her to but I will be by her side I'm asking for your permission to have your daughter as my Wife" it was quiet I felt arms around me like in a hug I turned around but I didn't see anything but a blue Cherry blossom landed on my hand I was surprised because they rare it very rare to even encounter a blue cherry blossom tree especially in the winter I smiled "Thank you" I said smiling & wiping my eyes    "I hope you enjoy the roses have a good Christmas" I said walking away holding the blue cherry blossom in my hands I started walking towards the Car I opened it and sat down I got a plastic zip block bag and I put it in there I set it aside underneath the Radio I looked up to see Hina smiling "Hinata did I take too long?" She smiled No not at all Naru I smiled & buckle down "ready?" She nodded & smiled I started to drive.
Hinata pov:
I smiled at him walking towards the cherry blossom tree that already has the pedals off it I felt sad but looking at Naruto made me smile again I was on my phone till I heard it *ringing* It's Neji I answered it
FaceTime call with Neji:
Hello lady Hinata how are you doing I don't hear Naruto so what's up?
"Oh Naruto said before we start are date that he wants to talk to mom he's sweet he brought Dark blue roses see *Shows Neji*"
Wow that's very beautiful Lady Hinata I'm sure Mother would love those how did he know they were mom favorite's ?
"Well I told him once but I didn't think he heard me because I said it quietly but I guess he heard & remembered" I smiled
It's good he listens to you because sometimes he can be unintelligent though he is very smart he is the heir to the two combined Companies Namikaze
& Uzumaki
"Yes I'm glad that he listens to me he notices the littlest things and he worries about them, but today I noticed that he was nervous his smiles always genuine I've been always watching him since pre school so I know When something bothers him do you know anything neji?"
Uh Yes! I grave him a good scare this morning! He says smiling
"Well I'm glad your there for me brother Neji but be nice with him he protects me like you do"
I know I just care for you a lot like I do with Hanabi lady hinata
"I know brother Neji please be safe at Sakura Chan party if you get drunk and Ten Ten can't drive then call me or Naruto we will pick you up and drop you off at home okay?!"
We will I will call you later to check on you okay he says smiling
"Okay brother Neji"
Bye lady hinata
"Bye brother Neji"
FaceTime calls ends with Neji:
Hinata pov:
After the call with Neji I started to play the games on my phone I put my phone down & I started to see Naruto walking up I could tell he's holding Something He started walking towards the Car and he opened it and sat down He put down the blue cherry blossom 'So mom you like him' I smiled as he put the blue cherry blossom in a plastic zip block bag he puts it underneath the Radio Hinata did I take too long? I smiled "No not at all Naru" He smiled & put on his buckle ready?
I nodded & smiled He starts to drive , Do you think the amusement park is open ? "Yes it should be" I said smiling he nodded Hina how was your morning "It was good how was your naru ?" It was great I'm having a good time with you he says smiling "Me to naru" I smiled putting my hand on his while he's driving in he parks In the parking lot He gets off and walks around to my side & opens my door and hands out his hand I take it in a instant & smile he locks the car and holds my hand and put it in his pocket I start to feel my cheeks heat up Hina you look so cute Come here I start to blush even more when he kisses my cheeks "T-thank you Naru" he blushes & smiles we start to walk in and he pays for the both of us I pulled his arm to the hot Chocolate stand "Look that place looks really good Naru" I smile & I see him blushing it's cute Oh okay Hina we sit down at the stand Two hot chocolates please he grabs both of them Thank you we start to walk here you go hina "Thank you Naru" he smiles we start to walk near a bench and we both Sit down Hinata say ahhh "ahh" I close my eyes & I feel a pair of lips I start to blush There you goo Hina Chann I blushed & lean over I kiss Naru eye "T-there you go" he blushes & smiles we both Started talking and we started drinking the hot chocolate Hinaa let's play games "Okay Naru"we started playing the games at the amusement park we kept losing every one but He had won a Fox that was a stuffed animal he gave it to me after that we went on rides it started getting late So Naruto got his Orange scarf & put it around me while the snow fell on us he kissed my forehead I smiled while he did that we started to walking to his car he opened my door and close it I watched him walked around to his side Hey Hina one more stop? I nodded & smiled he smiles & starts to drive "Where are we going?" You know the bridge he says winking I blush "O-Okay" he smiled & started holding my hand while he drives to the bridge.
Naruto pov:
we started to walking to my car I opened her door and close it I walked around to my side & get in "Hey Hina one more stop?" She nodded & smiled I started to smile & starts to drive Where are we going? "You know the bridge" I say winking I could see her blush from the corner of my eye "O-Okay" She smiled & started holding my hand I was nervous thinking about how I'm gonna propose to her I could feel my self trembling when I parked I could feel that her hand tighten on mine I smiled & kiss her forehead I got out and walked around to her side & opened her door she had the small bag in her hands I smiled & help her out turning off my car & locking it we started walking up the stairs to the same beige where we first said are good bye to where we had there first date again when we reached the bridge I couldn't help but looked at the frozen river it still look beautiful even without the lights especially her beautiful pale eyes that we're looking at the beauty I turn her around & held her hands she smiled & blush "Hinata will yo-"
HEY Buddy SHES MY WIFE BACK OFF! I smelt the stench of alcohol I turned around to see Toneri Ōtsutsuki Holding a beer he looks over to us and starts walking up to us I start to protect her Toneri What are you doing here your Drunk! Babe *hiccup* I love you why'd you leave for him !he grabs Hinata the shoulders I was never with you So go home your drunk as soon as I heard that I push him off off her "you heard her get outta here" I could see the rage on his face he pushes Hinata She falls off the bridge I jump off and grab her & turn around *CRACKED* Everything went black I couldn't open my eyes but I could feel her crying Naruto !!! Why would you do this she sobs on my chest "Hina I said I would protect you for the rest of my life" *cough* Naruto please open your eyes she keeps crying I slowly open my eyes I see the tears falling off her face I see blood on her face "Hinata are you hurt?" No I wipe my blood off her face with the tears "Don't cry it hurts me" I- I will I will call a hospital "Hinata I'm sorry tell mom & dad & grandma & grandma that I'm sorry that I broke the promise I made to baa Chan" I smile Naruto please keep your eyes open she cry's I barely feel my arms I slowly reach for the box in my pocket I take it out & I put in her hands "I'm sorry..." I close my eyes everything went black.
At Sakura Christmas party
Everyone is having a good time hanging out to together *Cracks!* they look at the glass beers in there hand The whole group looks at each other "NARUTO & HINATA" !
I do not own the pictures I put in my story & I do not own the naruto characters or naruto thank you & I hope you in joy<3

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